I will stop clinging to 2008 after this post, but I thought you’d be interested one more top 10 most read.
Earlier, I posted the top read CT politics blog posts and the top read Liveblog posts. Here’s what readers clicked on the most at christianitytoday.com/ct.
“I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Interview by Sarah Pulliam and Ted Olsen
2. CT Classic: Cancer’s Unexpected Blessings
When you enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death, things change.
By Tony Snow
3. Help for the Sexually Desperate
More and more, Christian men are admitting they’ve been caught in a vicious cycle.
By John W. Kennedy
4. Willow Creek’s ‘Huge Shift’
Influential megachurch moves away from seeker-sensitive services.
By Matt Branaugh
The Florida Outpouring revival concerned Pentecostal leaders.
By Cary McMullen, The Ledger of Lakeland
6. All You Need to Know About the Assemblies of God
A primer for Palin watchers and others.
By Rich Tatum
The Vatican gives orders to excise the name from worship. Do Protestants agree?
By Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.
By John W. Kennedy
9. Eric Clapton, In the Presence of the Lord
The bluesman has been haunted by God through his early years, his born-again period, and his recovery.
By John Powell
Where the parties stand on abortion, faith-based programs, religious liberty, and other issues.
By CT Staff