The world’s newest country now is now home to the world’s newest Bible Society chapter–which is already out of Bibles.
The Bible Society in South Sudan officially launched on December 18, nearly a year after the chapter first registered. According to the News Agency of South Sudan, “The society will help the country in the dissemination and translation of Holy Bible and scriptures into South Sudanese local languages.”
United Bible Societies reports that the launch event was widely attended by government officials and church leaders, including bishop Arkanjelo Wani Lemi of the Africa Inland Church. At the gathering, Lemi stated that the Bible Society can help overcome corruption by helping make the Bible more available to reduce criminal activity.
But United Bible Societies also reports that the organization already ran out of Bibles to distribute.
CT has previously reported on Sudan and South Sudan’ssplit, including the anti-Christianbacklash in Sudan.