In addition to reporting fresh religion news daily, CT updates stories we've previously noted.
We tweet the updates. But in case you're not one of our more than 123,000 Twitter followers (and really, why aren't you?), here's what you missed this week:
(Editor's note: This is NOT a roundup of the new blogs we've posted lately, so it shouldn't replace your daily reading!)
Are Christian-Muslim Relations in East Africa Going the (Violent) Way of Nigeria? Update: Another country joins the list of church attacks.
Blasphemy Charges Becoming New Weapon Against Egyptian Christians Update: Anti-Christian preacher who tore a copy of the Bible also gets harsh sentence.
New Wave of Fetal-Pain Abortion Bans Faces Court Scrutiny Update: House approves measure to ban all abortions after 20 weeks nationwide, but Senate has vowed to kill the bill.
Record Baptisms in Iran Overshadowed by Church Closure as Presidential Election Looms Update: Convictions of six house church members receive little coverage due to media attention on elections.
Ruling Brings 'Several New Twists' to Legal Fight over Contraceptive Mandate Update: Geneva College finally gets a ruling on its lawsuit.
Over-the-Counter Morning-After Pills Only for Ages 17 and Up, Justice Department Says Update: FDA weighs in.