Articles in this Issue
Black Christianity Before the Civil War: Did You Know?
Spiritual memories of slaves in their own words.
The Musical Theology of Spirituals
“Nobody knows the trouble I see, nobody knows my sorrow.”
By Any Means Necessary
Black abolitionsts were tired of waiting for a gradual peaceful end to slavery.
‘The Best Side of Slavery I Can Conceive Of’
A former slave and abolitionist gives his account of a slave auction at a church.
Black Moses
The mystical faith and no-nonsense tactics of the Underground Railroad’s most famous leader.
A Timeline of Black Christianity Before the Civil War
The first black pastor to lead a white congregation, the start of the AME, and slavery splits American denominations.
God’s Avenging Scourge
Nat Turner’s rebellion, the bloodiest in slave history, was driven by his prophetic visions.
Defeating the Conspiracy
Why slaves adopted the religion of their masters–and transformed it.
The Expatriate Option
Some blacks, like George Liele, had to emigrate to live and minister freely.
You Must Not Kneel Here
One April Sunday, Richard Allen and fellow black Methodists decided they wouldn’t stand for prejudice anymore.
Baptist Power
How the largest African-American denomination in the world got its start.
The First Heroes of African American Christian History
When given even a limited opportunity to grow, these African-American Christians blossomed.
America’s Persecuted Church
African American enslaved Christians bore witness to the gospel despite the threat of punishment at the hands of fellow Christians.
Faith and Justice
What does the experience of black Christians before the Civil War have to say to American Christians (both black and white) today?
Need for Community
What does the experience of black Christians before the Civil War have to say to American Christians (both black and white) today?