Our cover story by Harry Genet reads like fiction, but it is sober truth—a thrilling tale of the power of God to turn evil into good. Guyana, best known to the world for a revolting nightmare of degenerate religion, may yet become known as a land of mercy and hope for desperate refugees bereft of home and country. It all began with a sudden God-given inspiration that took root in the mind and heart of youthful Franklin Graham and, halfway around the world, with an equally sudden conversion to Christ of a shrewd Latin lawyer, trusted confidant of Prime Minister Forbes Burnham of Guyana. But you must read the amazing story for yourself.

This is also our semiannual book issue, and John Lewis Gilmore puts contemporary Christians to shame by relating in detail the reading habits of George Whitefield. That busy evangelist spent his life on preaching tours up and down the 13 American colonies and in Britain, and yet found time to read himself full and to write more books than some preachers ever read.

Of the making of books, there is indeed no end; but the making of book reviewers is a different story. It is with deep regret that we bid adieu to Dr. Carl E. Armerding and to Dr. David Scholer as regular reviewers for our book issues. Dr. Armerding, who has served as CHRISTIANITY TODAY’s Old Testament reviewer for many years, has recently become principal of Regent College, and we congratulate him on his new post. We shall also miss the good work of Dr. Scholer, for whose New Testament review section Dr. Walter Elwell will assume responsibility.

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