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November 18 2002, 2002
Volume 46, Number 12
November 18
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A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy
Rick Warren's genius is in helping pastors see the obvious
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Forcing Abortions
"Mandated abortions happen in the U.S., too"
There Goes the Neighborhood
A Florida court allows a Christian church to build in a Spiritualist town
Quotation Marks
"Recent sayings about Islam, faith-based funds, and clergy dress codes"
Go Figure
What do Americans pray for?
Aramaic May Disappear in Four Decades
"Only about 400,000 Arab Christians and 20,000 Jews speak the language"
Kitsch Watch
None of Frank Bear's photo-mosaics have attracted as much attention as one of President Bush-composed of pictures of Jesus.
The Force Is Not With Them
"Over 100,000 residents of Australia and New Zealand claim their religion is Jedi"
Faith-Based Fight: White House moves forward with or without Senate.
"White House moves ahead on regulatory, funding fronts"
House: No Church Politicking
The Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act fails 239-178
New Study Answers Many Criticisms of White House's Plans
Hudson Institute's Fruitful Collaborations underscores the need for hiring freedom
Entertainment: Jonah has boffo box office.
But Big Idea lays off 30 in 'heartbreaking' cuts
Manhattan Ministry a Year Later
"As of September 2002, weddings, counseling, and courage in demand"
Prostitute Murders Spur Ministry
Vancouver Christians rescue women lost on streets
Nigeria: War-weary Muslims and Christians talk peace.
Shari'ah law divides leaders
Keeping Their Heads Down
Vital but dwindling Christians face many pressures
Restricting Faith
New law makes it harder than ever to be non-Orthodox
Option for Alienated Baptist Missionaries
Texans to form 'flexible' alternative to the Southern Baptist Convention's IMB
Killing a Pandemic
The church may be best equipped to deal HIV/AIDS a crippling blow
What Is Hip?
Let's not kid ourselves that salvation depends on the ability to discuss Austin Powers movies
Civic-Minded and Heavenly Good
How Christians should practice 'right politics.'
Quenching Worst-Case Scenarios
Maryland Baptists train to rescue their neighbors if terrorists strike again
Jesus Freak
"Franklin Graham remains unashamed of the Name, despite public criticism. No generic prayers for him"
2012: A School Odyssey
Baylor strives to go where no Christian university has gone before—in ten years
Desert Springs
Quotations to stir the heart and mind
Gray Matter and the Soul
What is the difference between the brain and the soul?
The Long View: The Enemy Within
"This Thanksgiving, let us remember our perverseness"
Virtue via Vouchers
The Supreme Court's recent decision can help prevent more corporate scandals
Stephen Carter's novel
Stephen Carter mixes wry social observations and a densely plotted thriller
Elegy for a 9/11 Hero
"A review of Lisa Beamer's Let's Roll!: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Courage"
Righteous (and Other) Anger
The author of The Enigma of Anger cannot commit to a messiah who doesn't knock over tables.
Seize the Virtue
The Emperor's Club transcends Dead Poets Society
Tribulation Force
Tribulation Force will satisfy those who feel the movies are meant to explicitly preach the gospel
Graham's Current Events
"In his fifth book, Franklin Graham examines why the name of Jesus is controversial"
"Rich, Delighted Christians"
The Good of Affluence aims to give leadership to wealthy Christians moved and troubled by their fortune
Hometown Legend
"Based on the story by Jerry Jenkins, film asks whether football is the best measure of worth"
Little Secrets
Little Secrets avoids theological lectures but delivers an engaging story
Guilt Good and Bad
The early warning signs