Cover Story
Cover Story
Trained to Kill
A military expert on the psychology of killing explains how today’s media condition kids to pull the trigger.
Missouri Town in Symbolic Struggle
Missouri Town in Symbolic Struggle
Can Foster Care Be Fixed?
Churches partner with parents to care for at-risk children.
The Perils of Left and Right
Evangelical theology is much bigger and richer than our two-party labels.
The Politics of Patience
Retiring senator Dan Coats explains why Christians aren’t getting their way in Washington.
Did Paul Baptize for the Dead?
The most plausible interpretation is that some in Corinth were getting baptized vicariously for the dead.
You Are Who You Eat With
A kosher keeper teaches us about the religious meaning of food.
Experiencing God Crosses Over
Christians often ask the wrong question: “What is God’s will for my life?” What they should be asking, Henry Blackaby says, is, “What is God’s will?”
Tithe Protection Law Signed
Tithe Protection Law Signed
New Religious Liberty Bill Unveiled
New Religious Liberty Bill Unveiled
Raunchy Art Ruled Unprotected
Raunchy Art Ruled Unprotected
Christians Jailed, Abused, Deported
Christians Jailed, Abused, Deported
Lutherans, Catholics Step Closer
Lutherans, Catholics Step Closer
Dalai Lama, Evangelical Leader Talk
Dalai Lama, Evangelical Leader Talk
Four Convicted of Bible Smuggling
Four Convicted of Bible Smuggling
Romero Outside the Box
The archbishop’s homilies reveal a heroic biblical witness rather than the poster boy of liberation theology.
There’s More to Church than Proclamation
Wolfhart Pannenberg’s sacramental theology.
A Fuller for Russia
A new home is dedicated for the nation’s only graduate-level Protestant seminary.
Religious Schools Make the Grade
Give Wisconsin an A for saying no to secularist nonsense.
In Search of the Lost Churches of Paul
Turkey is inviting Christians to discover its biblical legacy.
The Devil in the DNA
The strategy of evolutionary psychology is to debunk traditional morality by reducing it to genetic self-interest.