Cover Story
Cover Story
The Future Lies in the Past
Why evangelicals are connecting with the early church as they move into the 21st century.
Calling on the Saints
It was the body of Christ that picked up the pieces after a rape left me in shambles.
Don’t Call Me Postconservative
Roger Olson’s Reformed and Always Reforming and a new theological tug of war we’d do best to avoid.
Taking a Chance on Fu Yang
A photojournalist discovers God’s surprises through one special-needs child.
Dismantling <em>Roe</em>
In Defending Life, philosopher Francis Beckwith argues with the sword tied behind his back.
The Peacebuilding Prince
One Jordanian leader shares his deep desire to preserve the Arab Christian world.
Walking a Fine Line
Pastors wrestle with transgender issues.
The Transgender Moment
Evangelicals hope to respond with both moral authority and biblical compassion to gender identity disorder.
Monastic Evangelicals
The attraction of ancient spiritual disciplines.
This Samaritan Life
How to live in a culture that is vaguely suspicious of the church.
Singing in the Chains
To be saved means more than we might think.
ID Tagged
Faculty member at Iowa State University denied tenure for supporting intelligent design.
Missions Boot Camp
As these teens prepare for short-term trips, they learn more about how to talk about Jesus.
The Health Care Crunch
Let’s make sure any reform plan we pursue avoids the single-value syndrome.
Securing the Faithful
What New Life Church did right when a gunman showed up in its parking lot.
Quotation Marks
Comments on the un-greenness of motherhood, National Geographic’s Gospel of Judas translation, and more.
Continental Divide
Hispanic evangelicals move toward the Democrats — and away from white evangelicals.
Go Figure
Recent statistics on church social service budgets, campaign donations from clergy, and regional belief in the Bible.
Arming in the Aftermath
Shooting spree at two churches prompts pastors to rethink security plans.
Zondervan’s new president; Evel Knievel and Forsyth Torrance die; missing pastor Don LaRose found.
The Megachurch Primaries
How the leading Democratic candidates are trying to win evangelical votes.
Singable Doctrine
Keith and Kristyn Getty have a passion for writing modern hymns.
Short reviews of Planet Narnia, Beyond Left and Right, and Global Pentecostalism.
No Utter Collapse
Recent reports of our demise betray the media’s ignorance about who we are.
The Vision Thing
Clarity came just as things got blurry.
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Pro-Israel vs. Pro-Palestine
A rabbi hopes for a better conversation.