Cover Story
Cover Story
An Ocean of Sorrow
Biological maturity signaling cultural adulthood has been the norm for most ages of human history.
Cover Story
The Case for Early Marriage
Amid our purity pledges and attempts to make chastity hip, we forgot to teach young Christians how to tie the knot.
Three Gifts for Hard Times
What I’ve learned as life has taken a turn for what most people think is the worst.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Short Reviews of Jesus, The Middle Eastern Storyteller, Miss Betsey, and The Sleepy Little Alphabet.
Feeding Hope Under a Rogue Regime
Christian outreach to North Koreans helps to keep millions from starving.
Reasoning Together
Christianity Today strives to be a model for respectful conversation.
Restless, Reformed, and Single
Online dating services argue that God can use virtual reality too.
Power Pentecostalisms
The ‘non-Catholic’ Latin American church is going full steam ahead—but are we on the right track?
Q & A: Robert Duncan
The archbishop of the new Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) explains an alternative to the Episcopal Church.
Go Figure
Get the numbers on gays who say they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, Lutherans in Germany, and changes in charitable giving.
School’s Out Forever
Recession shuts doors of Christian schools nationwide as enrollments drop.
Quotation Marks
Head of the US Communist Party wants to reach out to religious people, Nicolas Sarkozy wants to ban burkas, and other quotes from the news.
One in the Spirit
Evangelicals look for reconciliation in aftermath of Asia’s longest civil war.
News Briefs: August 01, 2009
Angel Food Ministries settles a lawsuit, Oral Roberts University reduces most of its debt, and other news in the Christian world.
John Stek dies, Richard and Philip Cunningham sentenced, Sheila Schuller Coleman appointed, and other transitions in the Christian world.
The Purpose-Driven Job Hunter
Richard Nelson Bolles on discerning God’s will when facing unemployment.
CDs on The List
Short reviews of new albums by mewithoutYou, Julie Lee, Christopher Ames, and Mat Kearney.
Why Churchless Christianity Doesn’t Work
Kevin DeYoung defends the institutional church.
Here We Are to Worship
Six principles that might bring a truce to the age-old tension between tradition and popular culture.
Putting Worldview in Its Place
There’s something more important than our intellectual framework.
My Top 5 Books on Loss
Nancy Guthrie, the author of Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow, offers a list of new and classic titles.
Readers Write
Your responses to the June 2009 issue of Christianity Today.
The Only ‘Christian Nation’
There is no single best way to run a country.
Our Life with God
Quotations to stir heart and mind.
Matter Matters
Lessons learned between the couch and a 10k race.
We Need Health-Care Reform
And the real question is who gets to decide who gets attention.