Cover Story
Cover Story
Surprised by N.T. Wright
The Bible scholar’s goal is to massively revise the way we talk about the Christian faith. By many accounts, he’s already succeeded.
Why the World Is Becoming More Violent
Sociologist Rodney Stark unearths why global religious hostility is on the rise.
The Good News About Bad Churches
They’re broken and messy. But God is remaking them in his holy image.
The Uneasy Conscience of a Christian Boxing Trainer
Why it may (or may not) be okay to watch adults beat up on one another.
A Thread Called Grace
How I came to stop hiding and face the biggest secret of my early life.
More from this Issue
God’s Hot Pursuit of an Armed Bank Robber
After I surrendered to the FBI, I surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
Quest for the Historical Wright
N.T. Wright told us his plans 15 years ago. How they have panned out.
Reply All
Readers respond to the January/February issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
Are Spontaneous Baptisms Healthy for the Church?
Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church holds spontaneous baptisms. Experts weigh in on the practice.
India’s Christians Shrug
The country’s likely next leader is a Hindu nationalist who has suppressed other faiths. Why church leaders aren’t worried.
Vietnam Is Getting Better, and Worse
Some see small signs of freedom even as the country moves up the list of top persecutors.
Which Scientists Believe
Millions identify themselves as evangelicals, but few are at research universities.
Gleanings: April 2014
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our April issue).
When Money’s Tight, Bank on the Great Provider
How seasons of financial uncertainty can teach us about true abundance.
Arguing Against the ‘Argument Culture’
Tim Muehlhoff discusses the art of civil, Christlike conversation.
There’s More to Love Than ‘True Love’
Hollywood is finally giving us pictures of bonds that go deeper than romance.
The Trouble with Touchy-Feely Faith
A historian explores the sappier side of evangelical life.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
Lighten Up, Christians: God Loves a Good Time
Challenging ourselves to embrace the sense of fun infused in this world.
Three Views: If a Cure for Down Syndrome Is Found, Should Parents Accept It?
To many families, the limitations are no match for love.
Knowing God Means More than Describing Him
Sometimes, our spiritual experiences can’t be put into words.
An Open Apology to the Local Church
Though much have I attended you, late have I loved you.