Cover Story
A Gospel for Everyone
What we mean when we profess ‘one catholic church.’
Matt Chandler, the Preacher Stung by Joy
The young Reformed pastor is supposed to take the Acts 29 Network to the ends of the earth. Why he may be just the man to do it.
The Battle of the Bible Films
A decade after The Passion, can filmmakers bring an artistic twist to Scripture without alienating moviegoers?
More from this Issue
Twitter’s Social Innovator: All In for God
What happened the second time he flooded my life.
A Sinner Raised by Sinners
What it means to see our families through a gospel lens.
Reply All
Readers respond to the March issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
The Great Baby Commission
One of Africa’s fastest-growing churches wants to expand by having as many children as possible.
Should Christian Colleges Let Female Faculty Teach Men the Bible?
A Christian college changes its mind.
The Polygamy Bill Dividing Kenya’s Christians
Churches call bill unbiblical, but Christian politicians push it through.
Gleanings: May 2014
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our May issue).
Is Neutrality Neutral?
Policy changes aiming for unity at two major Christian organizations spark backlash.
Letting Scripture Interrupt You
When a verse or passage grabs your attention, don’t be afraid to stop and ask why.
The Bible’s Unequivocal ‘No’ to Domestic Violence
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb offer the hope of grace to victims of abuse.
How We Forgot the Holiness of God
He may not be cruel and capricious. But don’t pretend he isn’t dangerous.
Bonhoeffer Against the World
How did a young man with no apparent power become a hero of the faith? A new biography explains.
Wilson’s Bookmarks
From the editor of Books & Culture.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
The Best Way to Use Music in Church
The key to biblical worship: Let everyone sing!
When Should an Overseas Missionary Pay a Bribe?
Widespread corruption presents ethical dilemma for outreach. Four views.
The Myth of Happy Parenting
How did we come to expect pain-free child rearing?
A World Vision for Church and Parachurch
Why the organizations that come alongside must also lead.