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Adie Johnson

Adie Johnson is a spiritual director and serves on the staff of a small church in Colorado as Pastor of Spiritual Formation. Her passion in ministry continues to be the fostering of Christian spiritual growth and transformation. She fights against the misconception that meeting Christ is the end of a journey rather than the beginning and believes we are rescued by grace in order to become grace to those around us.

Adie understands ministry to be participating in God's work of pushing back the kingdom of darkness and taking more territory for his kingdom of light. This can look like helping someone begin a relationship with Jesus or helping paint the porch of an elderly widow. It can even look like learning how to live in harmony together as a missional community. To her, ministry is the priesthood of all believers living as salt and light, bringing love and restoration into otherwise hopeless situations and relationships. As someone called to leadership in ministry, Adie sees the role of a leader to be that of a servant - one who equips, connects, and supports the broader work of the body of Christ.

With a bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland, Adie is currently working on her master's degree at Denver Seminary. She is married and has 3 children - Catherine, Kenny, and Matt - and one lovely daughter-in-law, Emily.

Read Adie's Gifted for Leadership articles:

– "Group Solitude" (February 12, 2008)

– "Leading After Failed Change" (November 13, 2007)

January05, 2007 at 8:38 AM

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