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Andrea Buczynski

Andrea Buczynski graduated from Penn State University and after joining the Campus Crusade for Christ staff, reported to her first assignment at the University of Illinois in Chicago. She stayed in the Midwest, moving to universities in Wisconsin and Indiana and then back to Wisconsin, where she was the associate area director.

After a U.S. campus restructuring in 1991, Andrea moved to the Great Lakes Region as the staffed campus director. In 1993 she was challenged with the role of national staffed campus director and served on the national team until 2003, when she was invited to join the global campus ministry, focusing on leadership development.

In 2004, Andrea assumed her current position as director of global leadership development. She serves as an adjunct professor at Bethel Seminary, teaching the Leadership/Ministry Foundations course for the master of arts in Transformational Leadership.

In addition to her 30 years on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, Andrea enjoys reading, playing the piano, being at the beach, and having great conversations over coffee.

Read Andrea's Gifted for Leadership articles:

– "Recalibrate Your Life" (March 26, 2007)

January05, 2007 at 4:13 PM

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