
Review: The Church In An Age of Crisis
A brief look.
Review: Amplifying Our Witness
A brief look.
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief reviews of 'The Divine Voice,' 'So Brilliantly Clever,' and 'American Science Fiction'
The Other Side of the Culture War
Marching under the banner of "rationality," cultural progressives fear the public influence of religion—and often dislike religious people themselves
Wilson's Bookmarks
Brief reviews of 'The Church and Literature,' The Impeachment of Abraham Lincoln,' and 'Arlo Needs Glasses'
Why Suburbia Really Is Affecting Your Spiritual Life
Eric Jacobsen, author of 'The Space Between: A Christian Engagement with the Built Environment,' says place matters for human flourishing.
Falling Away from its Founding
Os Guinness correctly sees America sinking into "soft despotism," but his proposals for restoring its civic health don't go deep enough.
Review: Finding God
A brief look.
Review: The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill
A brief look
My Top 5 Books on The Cold War
A faith-focused list on the long battle with Communism.
How Books Helped Save My Soul
I found light in my lit.
Did Evangelicals Change the Climate Change Conversation?
Agnostic scholar Katharine Wilkinson looks at the legacy of the Evangelical Climate Initiative.
A Jerusalem Lost
Melanie Kirkpatrick's 'Escape from North Korea' describes how the country descended into tyranny and madness, and why its people want out.
The Awakening of Hope
Where theology begins.
Making Too Much of Marriage
The problem is not God's good gift of holy matrimony—it's when we desire it above all else, forgetting the Christian virtue of self-denial.
Will America Keep the Faith?
Journalist David Aikman wonders whether our nation will squander its spiritual heritage.
Song of the Secularist
Jacques Berlinerblau offers a soaring paean to freedom from religion, but the American people don't seem to be singing along.
My Top 5 on Books on Motherhood
Picks from Jennifer Grant
None Like Him
John Ortberg looks at Jesus' unparalleled impact on human history.
A Bridge Between North and South
Elijah Kim's survey of global Christianity envisions "renewalist" movements fostering a new era of evangelical unity.

Top Story June 8, 2024

I’ve Preached the Gospel Countless Times. The Love of the Amish Preached it to Me.
I’ve Preached the Gospel Countless Times. The Love of the Amish Preached it to Me.
An excerpt on grief, forgiveness, and the gospel from Beechdale Road: Where Mercy Is More Powerful Than Murder.

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