
Serving a Two-Handed God
How we love our neighbor depends on what we think divine power looks like.
'We're Not Actually Advancing Religious Freedom'
Thomas Farr says it's time for policies that actually improve liberty around the world.
Easter, Unedited
N. T. Wright says the Gospels' Resurrection accounts are odd because they are fresh.
The Beauty of Fasting
It's a tangible, bodily thing.
The Oregon Trail
A chapter from Through Painted Deserts.
In the Steps of Luther
Finding refuge from the storm.
Walking in Faith
Walking as spiritual practice.
Does the God of Christianity Exist, and What Difference Does It Make?
Stan Guthrie moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig, Douglas Wilson, Christopher Hitchens, and Jim Denison.
The Emerging Church
Mark Galli moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Scot McKnight, Tony Jones, Kevin DeYoung, and Alex and Brett Harris.
Living Christianly in a Post-Christian Culture
Andy Crouch moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Donald Miller, Ruth Haley Barton, Randy Frazee, and Mary DeMuth.
A Guided Tour of Heaven and Hell
Mark Galli moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Don Piper, Sam Storms, Randy Alcorn, and Jim Packer.
What is the Gospel?
Darrell Bock moderates a Christian Book Expo panel with Richard Stearns, Mark D. Roberts, Tullian Tchividjian, and Justin Taylor.
Year of the Study Bible
Christian publishers struck the right chord in 2008.
Books Uncommon and Offbeat
Baader-Meinhof, One Square Inch of Silence, and Wrestling with God.
Looking Evil in the Face
These authors don't flinch from sin's depth — or grace's power.
One of Jerry's Kids
Kevin Roose sojourns at Liberty U. and lives to tell (mostly good things) about it.
My Top 5 Resources for Lent
Best books to read before Easter.
Knowing Your Place
The wisdom of becoming deeply rooted in one community.
The Other Side of Church Growth
Philip Jenkins says we need a theology of church extinction.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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