Church Life+Ministry

Global Reactions to John Stott's Death
N.T. Wright, David Zac Niringiye, and others offer more reflection on the legacy of the worldwide leader.
Jesus: Democratic King
Our most cherished democratic values are grounded in Jesus' sovereign authority.
Canceled Flights: New Policies Threaten Settlement Agencies
Resettlement agencies laid off staff after a new Department of Homeland Security screening disrupted refugees' flights to the U.S.
City Parish: An Australian Builds NYC Networks
Jon Tyson plants neighborhood churches in New York City.
Gender Debate: SBC Pastors Denounce NIV
Southern Baptist delegates passed a resolution criticizing the 2011 update and asked LifeWay stores not to sell the Bible translation.
Polling Evangelical Leaders
Both unanimity and diversity emerge in a recent poll of the Lausanne delegates.
Purity Practices: Coed Leadership Concerns
Old safeguards face coed workplace.
The Paul We Think We Know
How his 21st-century evangelical makeover distorts the New Testament reality.
Willow Creek Splits with Exodus International
Decision is among a series of departures for ex-gay organization.
Youth Movement: Finns Seek Renewal
Lutheran leaders want to push out young conservatives.
Shouwang Showdown, 15 Weeks In
Members of one of China's largest house churches continue to meet amid arrests.
Campus Crusade Changes Name to Cru
Ministry leaders worry that the word "crusade" has too many negative associations.
Picturing Paradise: A Review of 'Heaven in the American Imagination'
How conditions on earth shape our views of the afterlife.
Should We Still Give Out Tracts?
Observers weigh in on whether tracts, flyers, and street evangelism are effective tools.
The End of Church Planting?
A look at whether churches should expand through a missionary model rather than relying on professional entrepreneurial pastors to plant churches.
Geek Theologian
Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly talks to CT about the Amish, heaven, and why he doesn't own a smart phone.
The Most Risky Profession
Why you need to pray desperately for your pastor.
A Liberating Woman: A Reflection on the Founder of Christians for Biblical Equality
Catherine Clark Kroeger championed women’s equality without budging on scriptural authority.
India's Grassroots Revival
With its people turning to Christ in waves, India hosts more believers now than at any time in its 4,000-year history.
Q & A: Bishop Kallistos Ware on the Fullness and the Center
The metropolitan archbishop of the Eastern Orthodox Church in the U.K. on evangelism, evangelicals, and the Orthodox Church.

Top Story May 10, 2024

Bringing the City of God to the Cities of Earth
Bringing the City of God to the Cities of Earth
Christian urban designers and developers explain how their faith affects their work—and how their work affects your faith.

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