Church Life+Ministry

What Faith Is: Accepting Conditions
Eternity is inevitable, one way or another. We may want to get used to it.
No Adam, No Eve, No Gospel
The historical Adam debate won't be resolved tomorrow, so stay engaged.
Adam, Where Are You?
It's time for a difficult, grace-filled family meeting.
The Search for the Historical Adam
The center of the evolution debate has shifted from asking whether we came from earlier animals to whether we could have come from one man and one woman.
Katrina Volunteers Continue, Even When it Costs Them
Volunteers remain willing to donate time and labor, even if it means that they have to pay.
The Foot-Washers of Ethiopia
A mysterious disease, misdiagnosed for decades, finds healing in Christian hands.
Should the China Ambassador Worship at a House Church?
Observers discuss whether the U.S. ambassador to China should worship at an unregistered church to 'publicly identify with the persecuted.'
Christian Microfinance Stays on a Mission
While scandals rock the microfinance industry, Christian nonprofits diversify their efforts to help the poor.
A Christian Response to Overpopulation
We can continue to affirm life while acknowledging that unrestricted population growth can put women and children at risk.
What's Wrong with Credit Card Debt?
Observers weigh in on debt's indication of lack of faith, danger, and potential immorality.
The Theology of Osama bin Laden's Death
Christians call for solemn reflection and thanksgiving.
Who Gets Left Behind?
How end times theories shape the ways we view our earthly abode.
Atheists in the Foxholes—as Chaplains
Why the military's inclusion of non-believing chaplains matters.
The Seven Levels of Lying
We lie more than we think. And that's part of the problem.
Urban Planters: Building off Believers?
Who fills the pews of the Big Apple?
Remember the Red Sea
Why not capitalize on the richness and mystery of our ancient symbols?
Reforming the Reformed
Calvinists, says one Calvinist, misunderstand some of their history and theology. A review of 'Ten Myths About Calvinism.'
Christianizing the Social Network
Tim Challies looks at emerging technology through a theological lens.
People of the Nook
What Bible smartphone apps tell us about the Book.
America as a Christian Nation? Cherry-Picking from the Past
Christian claims about the United States' origins need grounding in historical fact.

Top Story May 9, 2024

I Didn’t Want a Baby. I Wanted This Baby.
I Didn’t Want a Baby. I Wanted This Baby.
Mourning miscarriage means acknowledging the particular life that’s been lost.

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