Church Life+Ministry

'Machine Gun Preacher' Under Heavy Fire
Sam Childers, subject of a new movie, is accused of neglecting children at his orphanage in South Sudan.
Southern Baptist Convention Considers Name Change Again
Task force will discuss whether regional moniker is a barrier to attendance.
John Piper: I Was Racist
How the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church went from a self-described racist to an adoptive father of an African American. An excerpt from 'Bloodlines.'
Tanzanians Throng to Miracle Cure
Churches debate healing power of pastor's cure.
Growing in the Word
What the Ethiopian Orthodox have learned from the expansion of evangelicals.
How Heather Mercer's Hostage Stint Turned into Global Hope
After 9/11, the missionary's ten-year journey leads from the Taliban to Iraqi Kurdistan.
A Cross at the Bookends
The meaning of 9/11, and the motivation for missions.
Loving Muslims One at a Time
The 'Vicar of Baghdad' says the key to Muslim-Christian relations is very personal.
Saving the Superheroes: Ministering to the Emergency Dispatch
Portland-based ministry Responder Life sees police officers, firefighters, and dispatchers as an unreached people group.
Believers on the MOVE
A suburban Chicago church ministers to Muslims at home and abroad.
Muslim Missions: Then & Now
How a terrorist attack reshaped efforts to reach Muslims.
How Christian Leaders Have Changed Since 9/11
Pastors, authors, & ministry leaders describe how that fateful day transformed their lives and ministries.
Apologetics Makes a Comeback Among Youth
Youth ministry sees the return of reasons.
Should Churches Try to Minimize Disruptions?
Observers weigh in on how churches should respond to children disrupting a worship service.
Google Cuts Churches Out Of Nonprofit Program
Faith-based groups must now pay for search giant's tools.
Missional Church Mergers
New report: More congregational combinations driven by mission, not survival.
Homeless Shelters Face Sharp Cutbacks
The feeding programs and shelters are becoming a shrinking circle of protection despite best efforts by churches and ministries.
Famine in East Africa: Who Cares?
Several Christian NGOs are on the move, provided they can get the appropriate funds.
Dave Ramsey Goes Beyond Credit Card Shredding
More congregations than ever are hosting Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Now he's looking at their budgets, too.
Ethiopia's River of Death
A handful of tribal Christians are fighting child sacrifice.

Top Story June 3, 2024

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