Church Life+Ministry

Worship in Black and White
Racial reconciliation happens when we not only sing each other's songs but learn the stories embedded in those songs.
Pop Goes the Worship
Religion professor T. David Gordon says Muzak has shaped singing in church.
iPhone Apps and the Old Adam
A meditation on corporate confession for Ash Wednesday.
Whatever Happened to Amazing Grace?
Why John Newton's famous hymn failed to win, place, or show.
The Hymns That Keep on Going
The 27 worship songs that have made the hymnal cut time and again.
Polling Evangelicals: Not Pro-Union, but Split Over Unions Versus Government
A Pew Research Center survey suggests evangelicals have the lowest favorability toward government employee unions of any religious group.
Pope Benedict XVI Points Fingers on Who Killed Jesus
Jews bear no collective guilt for crucifixion, he says.
Heaven, Hell, and Rob Bell: Putting the Pastor in Context
He's not the first to try to resolve old biblical tensions in new ways.
Illegal Immigrants in the Church?
Christian thinkers weigh in on what churches should do about meeting the sojourner.
Bricks and Moratoriums: Zoning Out Churches
Economy impacts churches' battles to build.
Somali Pirates Kill Bible Distributors
Scott Adam, a graduate of Fuller Seminary, was killed with three others after they were taken hostage.
Doctrinal Boot Camp
Conforming to the truth of the faith is necessary for survival.
Polling Evangelicals: Cut Aid to World's Poor, Unemployed
A Pew Research Center survey suggests evangelicals prefer the government spend on schools, the military, and police.
Learning to Count to One
New math for those addicted to getting higher and higher in their churches.
Religion 2.0: Timothy Dalrymple
The manager of Patheos' evangelical portal clarifies the gospel online.
Do Egypt's Evangelicals Get Along with the Coptic Orthodox?
More than they used to, say observers and insiders.
The Discerning Seller: LifeWay to Drop Warning Labels
The "Read with Discernment" program listed popular authors as "strictly for critical study or research."
Unreasonable Doubt
The reasons for unbelief are more complex than many atheists let on.
How to Teach Sex
Seven realities that Christians in every congregation need to know.
Redeeming Bonhoeffer (The Book)
The problem with Eric Metaxas's portrayal of the German hero as an evangelical.

Top Story June 14, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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