Church Life+Ministry

The Discerning Seller: LifeWay to Drop Warning Labels
The "Read with Discernment" program listed popular authors as "strictly for critical study or research."
Unreasonable Doubt
The reasons for unbelief are more complex than many atheists let on.
How to Teach Sex
Seven realities that Christians in every congregation need to know.
Redeeming Bonhoeffer (The Book)
The problem with Eric Metaxas's portrayal of the German hero as an evangelical.
The Son and the Crescent
Bible translations that avoid the phrase "Son of God" are bearing dramatic fruit among Muslims. But that translation has some missionaries and scholars dismayed.
Super Bowl Evangelism
Why Jesus did not say, "Market your neighbor as yourself."
The Center of the Good News
Why we can’t understand the gospel—or ourselves—without the Trinity. A review of 'The Deep Things of God.'
Are American Evangelicals Stingy?
Observers discuss whether Christians are generous enough with their money.
How Evangelicals Give
Church members' giving is decreasing in the recession, especially as a percentage of income.
Living the Love
Part II of the Cape Town Commitment spells out what the Lausanne Movement's theological manifesto means for the practice of ministry and mission.
Why We Opened Our Church to Muslims
A response to "Muslims in Evangelical Churches."
Q & A: Tim Pawlenty on Evangelicals and the Issues
The former governor of Minnesota has announced his presidential candidacy. Here's CT's earlier interview on issues like cap & trade, foreign policy, and whether evangelicals have influence in the Republican Party anymore.
Changing Forever How You Think
Recovering the lost art of Scripture memorization.
The Enduring Church
Believers in every age worry about the collapse of the faith.
Heresy Is Heresy, Not the Litmus Test of Gospel Preaching
It's time to put aside this abused "badge of honor."
The Gospel of Steve Jobs
The Apple CEO was able to articulate a perfectly secular form of hope.
Filling the Dad Gap
John Sowers addresses the root of many social ills.
'Chilling Verdict'
Churches re-assess risk management policies.
Flunking Pew's Pop Quiz
Good thing the Last Judgment is not a round of Final Jeopardy!
The Meaning of Business
Christians in the marketplace, says Jeff Van Duzer, are not second-class citizens of the kingdom.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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