Church Life+Ministry

The Problem with Christus Victor
An increasingly popular view of the atonement forces the question: What are we saved from?
Pushing Back the Desert: Niger's Christians Get Creative for Daily Bread
'Give us this day our daily bread' is both a prayer and a project for Christians living in one of the world's poorest countries.
Scholars Doubtful About Metal Plate Documents' Authenticity
"More significant than the Dead Sea Scrolls"? It's very unlikely.
What's a Congregation Worth?
A look at whether a congregation adds economic value to its community.
Group Criticizes Attorney General's Proposed Prison Rape Standards
Critics say the new standards, which take effect April 4, do not require any enforcement mechanism.
The Vindication of Constantine
The much maligned emperor receives a much needed makeover. A review of 'Defending Constantine.'
Multi-Faith Matters
Interfaith meetings remind us of the Good News.
Should Congress Change Pastors' Housing Allowances?
The current tax code excludes the rental value of a home from pastors' taxable income.
Two Peoples Separated by a Common Revelation
What I've learned from dialogue with Jews.
Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World
Why mutual respect and tolerance require us to witness for Christ.
Satan's a Goner
A lesson from a headless snake.
Creation Museum Founder Disinvited from Homeschooling Conferences
Conference organizer said that Ken Ham made 'unnecessary, ungodly, and mean-spirited' comments about Biologos's Peter Enns.
Idolatry, the Gospel, and the Imitation of God
Why evangelicals have taken such an interest in idols.
Warning on Witches
Missionaries may be encouraging witchcraft accusations.
Why Natural Law Arguments Make Evangelicals Uncomfortable
A recent paper highlights the differences between evangelical and Catholic defense of traditional marriage.
Profiting from the Past
Will Christian history books ever sell?
King's Cross
The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus
Sin in the Double Helix
Reports linking moral behavior to genetic traits actually prove Scripture's claims, not undermine them.
Share Sacred Spaces?
Observers discuss whether churches should lend worship space to other religions.
Why a Jailed Missionary in Haiti Is Getting Little Attention
Danny Pye has been jailed for five months without charges.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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