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Plenty of the ‘Nones’ Actually Head Back to Church
Americans who identify as agnostic or “nothing in particular” are four times more likely to change their religious affiliation than Protestants or Catholics.
There’s Proof that Scientists Don’t Hate Christians
Faith leaders have a better shot than celebrities at changing the narrative about religion and science.
The CallingEpisode 57|29min
How Alvin Plantinga Paved the Way for Christian Philosophy's Comeback
The professor, scholar, and 2017 Templeton Prize winner reflects on over 50 years of defending the reasonableness of theism.
Why the US Military Wants Fewer Generic Christians
Department of Defense now recognizes 216 religions.
‘The Most Hated Woman in America’ Remembers a Culture War Without Heroes
Netflix’s Madalyn Murray O’Hair biopic explores the divisive legacy of one of the country's most influential atheists.
Pew: Here’s How Badly Soviet Atheism Failed in Europe
In 18 nations across Central and Eastern Europe, religion is now essential to national identity.
The CallingEpisode 42|48min
Lee Strobel’s Hope for Apologetics in a ‘Post-Truth’ Culture
As ‘The Case for Christ’ heads to the big screen, the journalist-turned-evangelist reflects on what's changed—and what’s stayed the same—about defending the faith.
Just Who Are These ‘People of Faith’ Anyway?
Articulating moral consensus in a pluralistic country.
The Jesus Everybody Loves
Even nonbelievers value his teachings. But all of us have trouble living them out.
I Found the Gospel in Communist Romania
And then I shared it with the man the government sent to kill me.
A Portrait of America’s First Atheists
What life was like for unbelievers long before Christopher Hitchens and company arrived on the scene.
Nicole Cliffe: How God Messed Up My Happy Atheist Life
I had no untapped, unanswered yearnings. All was well in the state of Denmark. And then it wasn’t.
Blessed Are the Agnostics
How I learned to see my unbelieving husband through God’s eyes.
Why We Shouldn’t Remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance
What we really need, says Kevin Seamus Hasson, is a different understanding of the ‘God’ our nation is under.
As Falwell Favors Trump, Pew Says Most Americans Still Want a Religious President
(UPDATED) However, survey also finds Trump is one of few candidates who doesn't have to be religious to be deemed great.
The World’s Most Astonished Atheist
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed Joy Davidman’s worldview, too.
When Jesus Wanted All My Money
And everything else. How I learned he’s an all-or-nothing Lord.
Five Ways to Cut to the Heart of Non-Christian Ideas
Nancy Pearcey equips believers with tools to expose error and promote truth.
How a French Atheist Becomes a Theologian
Inside my own revolution.
Good News for Pastors: Court Overturns Atheist Victory on Housing Allowance
But question remains: Will IRS agree with DOJ that atheists count as 'ministers of the gospel'?

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
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