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Is the Christian Legal Society's Loss a Loss for Everyone?
What the Supreme Court's verdict means for campus ministries.
Christian Legal Society Loses in Supreme Court Case
Group must allow leaders who disagree with its statement of faith.
'Freedom of Worship' Worries
New religious freedom rhetoric within the Obama administration draws concern.
Grenade Attacks Were Govt. Plot, Say Kenyan Churches
Six dead, 80 injured at prayer rally protesting revised constitution.
Faith-Based Fracas
From the White House to the courthouse, the battle escalates over whether Christian groups have the right to employ only Christians.
More Prayer than Protests
Conservative groups were less interested in recent tea party protests than a U.S. District Court decision that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.
Supreme Court on Major Discrimination Case: 'Huh?'
Before the justices can render an opinion in the Christian Legal Society dispute, they'll have to figure out what the facts are.
The End of Religious Freedom?
The nightmare scenarios could very well unfold, but they are not the last word.
Confession Clash
Flagship college cited for faculty faith statement.
The Cross and the Court
Unraveling the Supreme Court's tangled view of public crosses.
Breaking the Bubble
Colleges debate student newspaper rules as Internet spreads stories far beyond campus.
Should the Supreme Court Rule that Memorial Crosses are Secular?
Church leaders and observers weigh in on a current debate.
Leaders Issue 'A Call of Christian Conscience'
Manhattan Declaration charges Christians to stick to their convictions.
Matrix: International Religious Liberty Advocates
CT looks at the major religious liberty groups' emphases and work.
Looking for Clear Signals
Religious freedom needs less talk and more action in Washington.
Clinton Criticizes Religious Defamation Laws as UN Prepares to Vote
The Obama administration opposes anti-defamation laws because they would restrict free speech.
The Litmus Test
Trustee ban on "advocacy of homosexual practice and same-sex marriage" stirs up Calvin faculty.
China's 'Conscience' Missing in Action
Top Christian lawyer Gao Zhisheng vanishes as government stifles dissent.
Supreme Court Weighs Fate of Mojave Cross
The court considered whether a transfer of property changes a church-state question.
Loss Is Gain
Denial of Hutterite request offers defense for other faith groups.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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