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Vietnamese Authorities in Hanoi Cancel Luis Palau Easter Celebrations
Local officials prevent events featuring U.S. evangelist Luis Palau.
The Problem with Christus Victor
An increasingly popular view of the atonement forces the question: What are we saved from?
Thanksgiving Question Nearly Deports Tortured Christian
An immigration judge was distressed that 'Li claimed that Thanksgiving was a Christian holiday.'
Priest Pressured to Give Up Muslim Lent
The Rev. Steve Lawler faced being defrocked if he continued to practice Islamic rituals for Lent.
Lent in Narnia
Would C.S. Lewis have renounced Turkish Delight from Ash Wednesday to Easter?
iPhone Apps and the Old Adam
A meditation on corporate confession for Ash Wednesday.
Blessed Are the Poor in Virtue
Why some people may want to abandon New Year's resolutions as soon as possible.
A Cosmic Culmination
Recalling the earth-shaking, kingdom-sized message of Christmas.
Me? Favored? By God?
The remarkable announcement to Mary—and us.
Yuletide Yarns
Christian authors discuss the best Christmas story not in the Bible.
An Un-Christmas-Like Idea
Four days of Advent readings, excerpted from 'God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas.' By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Redeeming December Days
Advent prompts a larger, cosmic question: What do I do while waiting?
The Great Incompatibility
Jesus is interested in the oddest things.
God's Quiet Signature
Why the rescue of the Chilean miners was a "great miracle," and what it tells us about Hanukkah.
Today's Pilgrims
Like the settlers of Plymouth Colony, today's refugees and asylum seekers have fled their homelands because of persecution of several kinds—not just religious.
The Blessing of Gratitude
Why Jesus commands us to be thankful.
Away With 'Away in the Manger'?
Should churches ban carols with questionable theology?
Evangelical vs. Mainline Politics
A new study suggests that evangelical pastors have been more likely to take public stances and candidates than their mainline cohorts.
Christmas Music Wrap-Up 2010
The season's gladdest tidings in new holiday albums.
Food Fights
But it doesn't have to be this way.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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