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Holy Land Tourism Plunges
Visits to Israel fall 45 percent as violence escalates.
Government Rethinks Nazareth Mosque
A special committee debates whether the new structure would overwhelm the adjacent church site.
Catholic Welcome for Israeli Decision on Controversial Mosque in Nazareth
Allowing the mosque to be built would be seen as yielding to violence, Israeli official says
Israeli Decision to Halt Work on Nazareth Mosque Faces Challenge
Government officials reportedly favor plan for a larger mosque at an alternative site
Welcoming the Uninvited Savior
"When the Holy Family fled Bethlehem, Herod's evil became a blessing for Egypt"
Orthodox Group Sues to Halt Church Center
Construction continues on congregational center in Israel pending court's ruling
West Bank: Palestine's Christians Persist Despite Pressures
With escalating violence in Israel, ministries face a sad and scary situation
Activists well acquainted with terror
Jerusalem Women Speak tour gains relevance for audience members struggling with new fears.
"Sleepless and 'Terrified', Orphans, Staff Dare to Hope Truce Will Hold"
"After three days of fighting in Beit Jala, the Israeli army withdraws but warns it may return."
"Amid Fears for Future, Jerusalem's Churches Embark On Prayers for Peace"
Week of prayer launched with services held in various congregations
"Despite Israeli Objections, Irineos Is New Greek Orthodox Patriarch"
"Protesting under a sixth century law, Israeli objections overturned by supreme court."
Violence Puts Archaeologists Between Rocks, Hard Places
About half of the planned excavations in the Holy Land this summer have been canceled
"Strengthen Christian Presence In The Holy Land, Carey Pleads"
Middle-East leaders asked to help tone down violence that has killed 650 in 10 months
Greek Orthodox Priest Falls Victim to Middle East Conflict
Monks worry they may appear as threats to each warring side
Jerusalem: Holy Land Roadblocks
Christian pilgrims learn about Palestinians' everyday indignities
Christian Zionists Rally for Jewish State
More than 600 Christians from around the world flock to Jerusalem to show solidarity with Israel as peace process collapses
Pilgrimages Drop and Workers Lose Jobs as Middle East Violence Continues
"Silence fills places normally crowded with pilgrims, reports British group."
Between a Rock and a Holy Site
Muslims have increased efforts to take control of Holy Land sties revered by Jews and Christians.
Palestinian Priest Wins Niwano Peace Prize
Elias Chacour honored for peace education among Jewish, Muslim, and Christian youth in Israel.
The Peace Regress
What's behind the current outbreak of hostilities in the Holy Land?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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