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Pray for Aleppo? Survey Says Fewer Christians Pray for Refugees
World Vision president sees ‘America’s heart closing’ to Syria and Iraq.
1,180 Churches Help World Relief Resettle Refugees at Record Rate
Highest total since 1999 comes as federal judges rule against state attempts to ban Syrian refugees.
Quick To ListenEpisode 27|36min
Refugees Aren’t Skittles. Should Their Religion Affect Their Entrance to the US?
More than 10,000 Syrians entered the US this year. Why are less than 150 of them Christian?
Grapes of Wrath: Refugees Face Steinbeck Scenario in Lebanon's Napa Valley
While US debates resettling 10,000 Syrians, a country smaller than Connecticut struggles with hosting 1.5 million.
Christian Refugees in Germany Report High Levels of Religious Violence
Sharing resettlement centers with Muslims can be dangerous for Christian asylum-seekers, Open Doors reports.
Genocide Up Close and Personal
Journalist Mindy Belz gives a brave firsthand account of persecution in the Middle East.
John Kerry: ISIS Is Responsible for Genocide Against Christians
(UPDATED) Days after unanimous House vote, Secretary of State finally agrees with international religious freedom advocates.
Churches Are Twice as Likely to Fear Refugees as to Help Them
Survey studies how American Protestants are engaging the refugee crisis, and why many are not.
A Ransom for Many: ISIS Releases Last of 230 Assyrian Christian Hostages
Good news comes near first anniversary of 21 Coptic martyrs beheaded on Libyan beach.
Hope on the Refugee Highway: A Special Report on Christians in Iraq and Greece
CT visited eight refugee camps to learn how Christians on the front lines would advise American churches to engage the refugee crisis.
Christian TV Helps ISIS Survivors
As Myriam, the girl who forgave ISIS, returns to school, Arabic broadcaster finds 'unconventional' way to bring education to other refugees.
Refugees on the Roma Road
In Europe, Christian ‘gypsies’ best understand those fleeing Syria and Iraq.
Caring for Refugees: A Declaration of Evangelical Response
At gathering of 100+ leaders, organizers pledge to engage 'global refugee emergency.'
Welcoming Their Former Enemies
Syrian refugees resettle in what was once "the Paris of the Middle East."
How Paris Affected American Attitudes on Helping Syrian Refugees
World Vision poll suggests terrorism didn't change compassion. Other polls highlight fears.
Why Are There Only 53 Christians Among America’s 2,184 Syrian Refugees?
Amid claims of discrimination, World Relief points to other explanations.
Christians Debate State Bans on Syrian Refugees after Paris Attacks
World Relief disagrees with half of US governors and Franklin Graham.
The Refugee Crisis Frontline: Croatia’s Christians Lend a Hand
As 27,000 people flood in from Serbia, church and relief leaders rush relief and support.
10,000 Syrian Refugees Headed for the United States
World Relief says US churches are ready to assist refugees after Obama approves major increase for 2016.
Dozens of Assyrian Christians Kidnapped or Detained By ISIS
In May, ISIS demanded $23 million in ransom for previous group of captives.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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