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God Loves a Cheerful Itemizer
Experts assess how Trump tax plan to double the standard deduction would cost ministries bigly.
Quick To ListenEpisode 57|38min
Pastors Frequently Preach Politics. But the IRS Rarely Goes After Them
The effect of Trump’s executive order—and why the Johnson Amendment is rarely enforced.
Is It Robbing God to Tithe on Your After-Tax (Not Gross) Income?
The Israelites were never subject to withholding upward of 15 percent.
IRS to Atheists: Okay, We'll Investigate Pulpit Freedom Sunday Pastors
Tax agency and FFRF announce settlement, but Milwaukee church disputes the lawsuit's dismissal.
Sorry 666: Churches Fear 990 More
How more ministries going digital could unwittingly aid atheists targeting church tax breaks.
Are Pastors’ Homes That Different?
Church and state rally to defend $700 million tax break.
The Divine Grace of the IRS
Seriously. God’s help comes from the weirdest places.
Why Atheist Leaders Are 'Ministers of the Gospel'
(UPDATED) Legal challenge to pastor tax break takes 'fascinating turn.'
Auditing America's Political Integrity
The IRS scandal, Benghazi incidents, and the disappointment of dishonorable leadership.
Pastors Push Back Against 'Annual Registration Fee'
One Illinois city says it's charging churches a fee, but church leaders call it an unfair 'tax.'
Supreme Court's Health-Care Ruling Could Weaken Charity Tax Breaks
Why some religious nonprofits' worries aren't about the contraception mandate.
What Summer Camp has to do with Taxes
This simple experience of play and learning and exploring and resting seems to me like a quintessential American summertime, and yet I was reminded recently that my children’s summer is a mark of privilege.
Passing the Plate for Politics
Why it's legal for churches to take collections for PACs that oppose gay marriage.
Pastors Double-Dare the IRS
Observers suggest that punishing church endorsements will be unlikely.
No Taxpayer Is an Island
Elizabeth Warren is wrong, and right, about the role of government.
To Protect Freedom, ADF Needs IRS to Punish Pastors
The ironies of "Pulpit Freedom Sunday."
Standing on Shaky Ground: Pastor Tax Break Threat Lessens
Ruling means threat to pastor tax break may have lost its legs.
Should Congress Change Pastors' Housing Allowances?
The current tax code excludes the rental value of a home from pastors' taxable income.
School Choice 2.0
Supreme Court weighs Arizona tax credits.
How the Economy Became a Family Issue
Family groups emphasized government debt and the economy as family issues this week. Plus, Christian leaders offered unanimous denunciations of church's planned Qur'an burning.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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