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A Beautiful Anger
The same holy hands that punish the wicked pull the righteous to safety.
Heresy Is Heresy, Not the Litmus Test of Gospel Preaching
It's time to put aside this abused "badge of honor."
Blessed Are the Poor in Virtue
Why some people may want to abandon New Year's resolutions as soon as possible.
Evangelizing Ourselves
The gospel is for Christians too.
A Feast Fit for the King
Returning the growing fields and kitchen table to God.
Holy Incarnation!
It may be impossible not to "demean God" since he mixed it up with sinners.
Relationship That Leads to Life
Why God's law is good news.
Divine Drama Queen
But I'd secretly rather have a God who is a non-anxious presence.
The Heart of Mission
According to John Wesley, that's the church's greatest task.
Living God's Ongoing Story
N.T. Wright says character matters, but thinks the Reformers disagreed.
Why Johnny Can't Read the Bible
Most Americans—including Scripture-loving evangelicals—cannot name the disciples, the Ten Commandments, or the first book of the Bible. But that's not our biggest biblical illiteracy problem.
The Vertical Self
How biblical faith can help us discover who we are in an age of self obsession.
Asking the Right Question
Why neither worm theology nor worth theology will do.
A Resurrection That Matters
If we are completely saved from our sins through the Cross, what's the point of the empty tomb?
Born Again … Again
In my ministry of racial reconciliation, I had to move from a culture of effort to a culture of grace.
Are We Transformed Yet?
Why the spiritually mature don't talk about how God has made them spiritually mature.
Point of Crisis, Point of Grace
Why it's crucial to recognize how little we're being transformed.
Can You Be Too Rich for Heaven?
How the early Christians explained Mark 10:21
The Limping, Unceasingly Praying Brother Lawrence
How a 17th-century cook and sandalmaker still helps us practice the presence of God

Top Story April 29, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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