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The Mind Under Grace
Why a heady dose of doctrine is crucial to spiritual formation.
'We're All Theologians'
But is it the best or worst of times for doctrine?
Emerging vs. Traditional
In Deep Church, Jim Belcher says it doesn't have to be either-or.
Still the Way, the Truth, and the Life
More people than ever doubt that anyone has a corner on truth. So why do Christians keep insisting on the incomparable uniqueness of Christ?
Christ at the Center
Michael Horton says we need to once again let our lives and churches be driven by the gospel.
An Invisible Wall
Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a pastor in Berlin assesses Germany's spiritual climate.
Lost in Transition
With his latest research on emerging adults, sociologist Christian Smith helps the church reach out to a rootless generation.
Europe's Past Is Today's Hope
Rome won't cede the continent to secularists without a fight.
In the Beginning, Grace
Evangelicals desperately need spiritual and moral renewal—on that everyone agrees. But what do we do about it?
The Sacred Carafe
Reframing Human History
How we got into the atheism culture war in the first place. A review of David Bentley Hart's Atheist Delusions.
The Gospel for iGens
Reared on self-esteem and impervious to guilt, the next generation needs good news that can break through their defenses.
Scot McKnight: Self in a Castle
How modernity and postmodernity have conspired to warp the current generation.
Why Do Postmoderns Need Saints?
Sometimes we just need to hear stories.
Ur Video: Eddie Gibbs & Mike Breen on Post-Christendom
Two Brits discuss mission in a post-Christian culture.
Death By Deism
No merely civil religion alone can sustain a free republic.
Something Old, Something New
Combining liturgy and postmodern culture leads to fresh forms of worships in the U.K.
Knowing Your Place
The wisdom of becoming deeply rooted in one community.
Explainer: The Emerging Church
Some common characteristics of this "conversation."
Explainer: Postmodernism
Is it more than "truth is relative"?

Top Story April 30, 2024

Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
A late historian explores how crusade hymns told both the classic story of gospel salvation and the evolving story of evangelical worship music.

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