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Pastors: Don't Gloat Over Ashley Madison
The adulterer you condemn may be in your pews.
Counseling Church Members
How can you become an effective counselor or train others to counsel in your church? These practical and succinct handouts help both pastors and lay counselors develop a Christ-centered ministry and increase the client's dependence on God. You'll learn when and when not to intervene in situations and be given tips for both short- and long-term care.
Help for the Pastor?s Spouse
Being the pastor's wife isn't an easy job.
Urgent Care: Substance Abuse
Equip your leaders to reach out to men and women suffering from addictions.
Urgent Care: Spiritual Warfare
Identify and respond to spiritual attacks.
The Essential Art of Forgiveness in Ministry
Without it, leadership becomes tyranny.
Face to Face with the Man Who Killed My Son
“God forgave me. Who am I not to forgive?”
Kyle Idleman: God Never Wastes What We Go Through
Helping people experience grace and embracing confession in pastoral ministry.
Poured Out for the Church
Releasing the desire to be right, even when you’ve been wronged
I Discipled a Murderer
When people don't change, are our efforts in vain?
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