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Pastoring Rappers
The artists of Humble Beast on the idolatry of artistry, and how the local church best serves artists.
In His Absence
When we feel on our own, can we recover the power and presence of God?
Is Church Holier With the Lights On? Or Off?
Two services. On opposite ends of the country. They couldn't have worshiped more differently. Which one got it right?
Faces of the Pastorate: Harmon Li
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Church Is Not Just Who We Are, It's Also Where We Go
We don't just go to church, we are the church. But the going helps in the being.
The Glorious Inefficiency of a Healthy Small Church
A worship service can be conducted efficiently, but worship can't. It requires time to ponder, reflect and celebrate.
No, Our Church Doesn't Sing New Music to Appeal to Nonbelievers
Our church's song list is not an evangelism tool. It's meant to glorify God and involve the saints in worship.
‘Dear Worship Leader...’
A review of Zac Hicks’s The Worship Pastor.
Saving the Funeral from an Untimely Death
People today are confused about what funerals are for. How should pastors respond?
Introducing Lent to Your Congregation
It starts with your example.
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