Ever since we first asked cartoonist John Lawing to provide a fortnightly drawing for the “Eutychus and His Kin” section of CHRISTIANITY TODAY, we have considered inviting him to become a member of our staff.
At month-end he will come to us as art-production director, a new position that may extend our interest in design and color.
An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in the U. S., Mr. Lawing has been on the staff of Presbyterian Survey in Atlanta. He holds the B.A. from Columbia Bible College (1952) and the B.D. from Gordon Divinity School (1956).
To illustrate his imminent move to the Washington area with his wife and three children, Mr. Lawing sent this sketch of his family and possessions in transition:
Its mood is a noteworthy advance over that of a pen portrait he submitted a few years ago on a biographical data form we sent him. There, as “Special Distinctions,” he gave us only a beatnik drawing of himself with the legend: “My genius is unrecognized.”