We start the New Year featuring an interview in which a brilliant nuclear physicist, B. P. Dotsenko, relates his conversion, his expatriation from the Soviet Union, and his responses to questions posed by our managing editor, David Kucharsky. In our news section (see page 44) we examine the state of Christianity behind the Iron Curtain. News editor Plowman predicts that during the 70s great numbers of Communist youth will turn to Christ; dialectical materialism and “big brother” supervision have not filled the empty void in their hearts.
The new year brings several internal changes. Charles Wright, formerly our advertising manager, has left our staff. Having added the book clubs to our operation, we now need not only an advertising manager but also an assistant. As advertising manager, Coleman Luck will work primarily at the home base, concerning himself with the book clubs and with production and other aspects of the advertising that appears in the magazine. His assistant, Stephen Wike, will be on the road, visiting advertisers and selling space.
The next issue of CHRISTIANITY TODAY will feature Key 73, whose evangelistic thrust we hope will result in the conversion of many unbelievers this year.
Meanwhile, a happy new year to one and all.