I recently saw myself on a telecast that celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of Billy Graham’s first large crusade. Somehow I never look or sound the way I think I do. Fortunately, I rarely have to see and hear the replay—and I have kind friends. CHRISTIANITY TODAY was co-sponsor of the three-night Hollywood Bowl celebration last September. What the TV audience did not know is that the appeal for famine relief at the Bowl yielded $25,000. Billy Graham suggested that the money go to Africa, and it is now at work feeding the hungry there.
Three-quarters of the twentieth century have ended, and the cherished dreams of the human heart for peace, prosperity, education, and leisure have not been realized for most of the world. What have we to look forward to? Famine? Wars? Economic dislocation? Scarcity? None of us knows. But Christians have a blessed certainty: Christ, whose incarnation we just celebrated; Christ, who is with us in the person of the Holy Spirit; Christ, who is coming again. Our real hope for 1975 is in him who is the same yesterday, today, and forever!