Portfolio Screening
Pro Vita Advisors Free list of companies violating life-ethics VBI screens 800.774.5797members.aol.com/ProVitaAdv
My Investigator A free online database with ethical research on corporations/mutual fundsmoney.crosswalk.com/investigator
eVALUEator Database similar to My Investigator, sold to financial advisers for $400 a year 888.469.3863www.evalueator.com
MoneyAndValues.com Free mutual fund ethical reports if you agree to meet with a representative 888.346.8258www.moneyandvalues.com
Values Investment Forum Leader in values-based investing research for institutional investors 662.842.5033www.valuesinvest.com
American Values Investments Currently developing research on corporations with positive ethical behavior 866.722.1776www.amvalues.com
Socrates Leader in SRI research for institutional investors, by kld & Co. Inc. 617.426.5270www.kld.com
Investor Responsibility Research Center For institutional investors 202.833.0700www.irrc.org
VBI Mutual Funds
Christian Stewardship Funds Large-cap equity index, small-cap equity index, international equity, and bond index funds 800.262.6631www.christianfunds.com
Noah Fund Large-cap growth fund 800.794.NOAHwww.noahfund.com
Shepherd Funds Growth, small-cap, fixed-income, and international funds 877.386.5400www.shepherdvalues.com
Stewardship Partners International and Global Funds 704.846.0458www.stewardshippartners.com
Timothy Plan Aggressive growth, large/mid-cap growth, small-cap values, large/mid-cap value, fixed income, strategic growth, conservative growth, and money market funds 800.846.7526www.timothyplan.com
Shareholder Action Resources
Pro Vita Advisors Assists investors in the filing of life-ethics shareholder resolutions 800.774.5797members.aol.com/ProVitaAdv
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility Association of 275 Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish institutional investors jointly advocating corporate ethical responsibility 212.870.2295www.iccr.org
IRRC Provides research on corporate proxies for institutional investors 202.833.0700www.irrc.org
Creative Investing Resources
Evangelical Christian Credit Union Full-service commercial bank fulfilling unique evangelical needs 800.634.3228www.eccu.com
South Shore Bank of Chicago The original community development bank 800.669.7725www.sbk.com
Strategic Capital Group Social venture capital fund that invests in “Great Commission companies” 503.670.9968
Other Online Resources
www.FaithfulSteward.org Information and links (by Mary Naber) to resources for all three facets of ethical investing
www.ValuesInvesting.com Useful resources on VBI, provided by VIF
www.SpiritualInvesting.com Useful resources on vbi and sri, as well as prudent investment strategies, provided by Gary Moore & Co.
www.SocialInvest.org Official site of the Social Investment Forum, a nonprofit devoted to promoting SRI
www.SocialFunds.com Leader in up-to-date research and reporting on SRI
www.ResponsibleShopper.com Identify corporations by their products, obtain free sri ethical reports
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Additional resources will be available soon.