Only tangentially related to tonight’s election is breaking news that James Dobson has decided not to be part of Ted Haggard’s counseling team after all. His involvement on the team was just confirmed yesterday, so this is a pretty speedy turn. “Emotionally and spiritually, I wanted to be of help – but the reality is I don’t have the time to devote to such a critical responsibility, Dobson said. “Ted and his family will be better served by someone whose energies and attention are not tugged on in quite so many directions.”
I’m sure we’ll discuss whether there was a “Haggard Effect,” especially in Colorado, once the polls close in that state. If they ever close. Glad I’m not in one of those three-hour lines.
Back to Focus for a moment. That’s a snazzy new website they just launched. I’m watching the organization’s special election site here . Wonder how the loss of their main spokesman, Paul Hetrick, will affect the organization’s ability to respond to tonight’s election results.