Sorry folks, I have a full day of work tomorrow. I need to sign off, but I’ll be eager to ask these questions tomorrow morning:
(1) How did Sen. Jim Talent’s final vote totals compare to voting on the embryonic stem-cell decision? Do exit polls indicate the Democrats successfully turned stem cells into a values issue?
(2) Has Virginia become a blue state? What say this state’s Religious Right stalwarts, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson?
(3) Did evangelicals actually matter in this election? Early polls indicate similar evangelical support for Republicans from 2002 to 2006. Can evangelical liberals find exit polls to make their case for a share in the Democratic victory?
(4) Did conservative Christians in South Dakota overreach with the abortion ban? Many rightly took credit for Sen. John Thune’s victory over Tom Daschle in 2004. But now the abortion ban got overturned. Is that why such a small majority of South Dakotans voted to ban same-sex marriage? Many conservatives in this state would be better classified as Western libertarians.
(5) With so many Midwest and Northeast House Republicans losing, the party has become much more concentrated among Southern evangelicals. Does the party shift even further to the right as a result?