In March, the trustees of Westminster Theological Seminary suspended professor Peter Enns over theological concerns regarding his book Inspiration and Incarnation.
The controversy got a lot of people talking about the authority of Scripture and two weeks ago even made the front page of The Philadelphia Inquirer.
No doubt the discussion will continue in theology circles (Enns will be on a panel discussing his ideas on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament at the upcoming Evangelical Theological Society meeting, for example).
But the higher ed part of the story though, seems to have more or less come to a close today. Enns and WTS issued a joint statement announcing the end of his employment at the school. A hearing on whether he whether he should be dismissed was to begin August 25.
The statement:
The administration and Prof. Peter Enns wish to announce that they have arrived at mutually agreeable terms, and that, as of 1 August, 2008, Prof. Enns will discontinue his service to Westminster Theological Seminary after fourteen years.
The administration wishes to acknowledge the valued role Prof. Enns has played in the life of the institution, and that his teaching and writings fall within the purview of Evangelical thought. The Seminary wishes Prof. Enns well in his future endeavors to serve the Lord.
Prof. Enns wishes to acknowledge that the leaders of the Seminary (administration and board) are charged with the responsibility of leading the seminary in ways that are deemed most faithful to the institution’s mission as a confessional Reformed Seminary.
Prof. Enns expresses his deep and sincere gratitude to the Lord for his education and years of service at Westminster Theological Seminary.
That it was a joint statement may solve one of the dilemmas as described by John Frame in that Inquirer article: “Humanly speaking, it’s hard to imagine how the school will survive. … If Enns leaves, he will take with him a huge constituency. If he stays, another group will withdraw support.”
Previous articles from Christianity Today and Books & Culture about Enns include:
Westminster Theological Suspension | Peter Enns’s book Inspiration and Incarnation created a two-year theological battle that resulted in his suspension. (April 1, 2008)
Westminster Theological Seminary Suspends Peter Enns (Mar. 27, 2008)
Two Testaments, One Story | Top evangelical scholars team up for landmark commentary on New Testament use of Old Testament. (Feb. 8, 2008)
Messy Revelation | Why Paul would have flunked hermeneutics. (Books & Culture‘s review of Inspiration and Incarnation)