It’s mixed news for Focus on the Family tonight. But in Focus’s CitizenLink webcast, senior vice president Tom Minnery called it “A tremendous night for the cause of righteousness” on account of the success of the marriage ballot initiatives in 3 states.
In saying that the organization had expected those to be the “bright spots” this election night, co-host Stuart Shepard pointed out that there was little hope for Focus’s presidential pick to win. They were sorry, Shepard said, to see Ohio go to Obama.
He encouraged Phil Burris of Citizens for Community Values in Ohio to vent a little about his frustrations with McCain; Burris obliged, saying they recommended McCain not out of excitement over his candidacy but out of fear of Obama.
Tony Perkins, who spoke with Minnery and Shepard soon after McCain conceded, encouraged listeners to put aside anger and bitterness. “This was not a rejection of conservative values,” he said, but a rejection of Republicans who had abandoned conservative principles. “Clearly, our work is cut out for us.”