Get excited, because Her.meneutics brings two perspectives on Time magazine’s recent cover report, “The State of the American Woman.” Author Nancy Gibbs explores the questions, “Is the battle of the sexes really over, and if so, did anyone win?” Time, in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation, conducted a survey to find out how we have responded to 40 years of change as we now approach a time where women will for the first time make up a majority of the American workforce. Gibbs reports, “Among the most confounding changes of all is the evidence, tracked by numerous surveys, that as women have gained more freedom, more education and more economic power, they have become less happy.” Just a few weeks ago Maureen Dowd wrote on the same topic in The New York Times, and now everyone’s asking, “Why aren’t women happier?”
Is it because we now take on double the responsibilities and stress, as Gibbs suggests, that we now report more unhappiness? Is this necessarily a bad thing? And how do we, as Christian women, frame the issue in light of our own gospel call?
The report is already the source of much discussion in the Christian blogosphere. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Al Mohler responds, “Feminism redefined womanhood, marriage, motherhood, and the roles for both men and women .… It appears that most women are uncomfortable with this total package.” Her.meneutics guest blogger Carolyn McCulley posted her response, drawing on the study’s findings that many women still desire traditional family goals, saying, “If a happy marriage and children is the highest priority for more than half of those surveyed, then I believe we need to be more intentional about helping our culture achieve those goals.” Beliefnet blogger Therese Borchard, on the other hand, expresses satisfaction with her increased opportunities but echoes the concerns of these reports: “I do think I have a more fulfilling life in that I have to use my head for more things than figuring out why the Bendaroos we ordered from the infomercial sucks in comparison to what they promised us. But my job does bring a considerable amount of stress. So I’m happier in one sense and much more anxious and stressed in another.”
Now it’s your turn. Our writers will offer their views today and tomorrow, and we hope you will join us in the discussion. Let the conversation begin!