Thanks to all our regular readers and stumble-upon visitors for continuing to make Her.meneutics a lively, exciting blog to be a part of! The editors here especially want to acknowledge some new bloggers who have covered topics that matter and know how to start good discussions: Jennifer C. Grant is a mother of four and columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Anna Broadway is a San Francisco-based writer and the author of Sexless in the City: A Memoir of Reluctant Chastity. And Hannah Faith Notess is the editor of Jesus Girls: True Tales of Growing Up Female and Evangelical, and managing editor of Response magazine. Look for more good work from them in the coming weeks.
(10) Multitasking: Bad for the Soul, by Jennifer Grant // Comments: 12 Sure, I was getting a lot done as a mother of four. But I was having a hard time obeying God.
(9) Seeking a Spouse? Lighten Up, by Anna Broadway // Comments: 25 Could ‘dating cards’ help Christians take their love lives a little less seriously?
(8) Eat Pray Love Book Club Discussion, by Katelyn Beaty // Comments: 23 For all the bad and the ugly in Elizabeth Gilbert’s 2006 spiritual memoir, I wanted to hold on to the good. Here’s what I found.
(7) The Glamorous Life of the Pregnant Teenager, by Laura Leonard // Comments: 12 Do pop culture’s portrayals of teen pregnancy harm young women?
(6) The Friendless, Voiceless Disney Princess, by Hannah Faith Notess // Comments: 12 Most ‘family-friendly’ movies lack substantive female characters and friendships, according to the Bechdel Test. Then again, so do most movies.
(5) Celebrate National B——-Feeding Month, by Annie Young Frisbie // Comments: 43 To counteract our culture’s squeamishness about breast-feeding, first we need to be able to talk about it.
(4) How Many Kids Should We Have? by Amy Julia Becker // Comments: 29 To answer the question, Christian couples need more than a few select Bible verses.
(3) Following Christ at a Porn Convention, by Dawn Herzog Jewell Editors’ Note: This post has been removed at the request of the author.
(2) Why I Can’t Boycott Mel Gibson, by Anna Broadway // Comments: 47 And it’s not because he is ‘too talented,’ as Salon stated last week.
(1) An Open Letter to Anne Rice, by Karen Spears Zacharias // Comments: 52 What I see when I look at the church.