Church Life+Ministry

Marriage in Obsolescence
Why recent headlines on marriage don't do the new Pew survey justice.
The Leavers: Young Doubters Exit the Church
More than in previous generations, 20- and 30- somethings are abandoning the faith. Why?
A Man for All Evangelicals
Vernon Grounds shaped the movement with a rare combination of gifts in apologetics, social justice, and pastoral counseling.
Putting Evangelism on Hold
Will the Global Faith Forum's "evangelistic model" of engaging Muslims and Jews catch on?
The Divine Divide
The gods of America, and the difference they make. A review of 'America's Four Gods.'
The Politics of Prayer
When is it okay to bring the Bible into a political fight?
A Theology of Workflow
Matt Perman on how Christians should think about productivity.
The Amish's Spirituality for the Long Haul
What they can, and cannot, teach evangelicals.
Christian Decline Stalls
Reports of U.K. church's death may be premature.
Why Not College for the Disabled?
New faith-based school opens doors for young adults with intellectual disabilities.
A Feast Fit for the King
Returning the growing fields and kitchen table to God.
Boost Your Cultural IQ
Soong-Chan Rah calls for the American church to understand itself.
Challenging Individualism
N.C. proposal raises age-old questions of Baptist identity.
Brazil's Evangelicals Make Voting Bloc Debut
Forced presidential runoff demonstrates the importance of Protestant voters.
Faithfully and Politically Present
How and why Michael Gerson believes Christians should not abandon the public square.
Mixing Jesus into Populist Politics
What place do Christians have in the tea party movement?
How Far Should Forgiveness Go?
Seventy times seven? I can barely forgive some corrupt clergy once.
Max Lucado on Compassion: The Best Apologetic
The San Antonio pastor and author explains why he focuses on poverty in his latest book.
The Art of Glory
Cape Cod's newly completed Church of the Transfiguration embodies the belief that beauty can nurture our communion with God.
Looking Over the Fence
New research suggests scientists are more like neighbors than enemies of the faith. Andy Crouch reviews 'Science vs. Religion.'

Top Story May 19, 2024

The Miracle of the Ear
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.

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