Church Life+Ministry

Love Isn't Easy in Man Camp Ministry
When roughnecks descend on an oil boomtown, Christians find the gift of hospitality strains their vision of ministry.
Is It Stealing From God to Split Your Tithe Between the Church and Other Charities?
Three views on what it means to give faithfully.
Why Every City Needs a Central Park
And why more Christians are needed in urban planning.
Justin Zoradi Believes Education Can Eradicate Poverty
The founder of These Numbers Have Faces focuses on outreach by degrees.
The Cutting Edge of Marketplace Ministries
How businesses are doing more holistic ministry than ever.
Ajith Fernando: On the Anvil of Suffering
Offered his dream job in the United States, Fernando opted to stay in war-torn Sri Lanka, a decision that has made all the difference for the cause of Christ
Dramatic Increase in Religiously Unaffiliated as Protestants Lose Majority Status
Why religious leaders aren't terribly troubled by the news.
Why Churches Worship Illegally—In Paris
Evangelical churches are multiplying but lack space to grow.
Against the Stream
Chuck Colson had a prophetic voice because he first had a servant's heart.
Is Megachurch Worship Addictive?
Scholars, including the coauthor of the recent study alleging that it creates a "high," weigh in.
The Spiritual Sex
Why are women better Christians than men?
Getting to Know Him
Catechesis at its best is a very personal 'school of faith.'
Productivity and Grace: Management and Labor at a Denver Manufacturer
Steve Hill and Jim Howey's leadership style is unusual in an industry known for top-down hierarchies.
Caught Between the Spouse and the Spirit
Brazilian women find support and new roles at charismatic churches. Their husbands don't like it. Whom will they choose?
Why Early Childhood Parenting Is a Gospel Priority
As the youngest members of society founder, so does society itself.
Grand Canyon University Gets Free Mass. Campus
For-profit school established nonprofit arm to qualify, but Green family sees benefits in its model.
On Communion, Vast Majority Of Southern Baptist Pastors Don't Follow Denomination's Stance
Only 4 percent limit Lord's Supper to baptized church members.
Should Pastors Be Required to Sign a Code of Ethics?
Observers weigh in.
The Village Genius
Joe Johnston's residential community is designed for, well, community.
Mercy-Full Nurse
Charlotte Thrall provides free medical care to Phoenix's poor and undocumented immigrants.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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