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It’s Tempting to Rely on the IDF. But My Hope Is Messiah Yeshua.
Amid chaos in Israel, I will trust in the Lord.
16 євангельських альянсів закликали до припинення вогню в Газі й засудили ХАМАС
Заява з закликом до «справедливого миру», опублікована регіональними та національними об’єднаннями, є біблійно глибшою, ніж подібні гуманітарні заклики.
16 евангельских альянсов призвали к прекращению огня в Газе и осудили ХАМАС
Заявление с призывом к «справедливому миру», опубликованное региональными и национальными объединениями, библейски глубже, чем подобные гуманитарные призывы.
This War Shows the Weakness in Just War Theory
Many Christian responses to the Israel-Hamas conflict lean on just war theory. It’s well intentioned—but deeply flawed.
The Bulletin Episode 52|36min
Terrorism and the Road to War
Hamas, Hezbollah, and the startling growth of Middle East terrorism.
La famille d’un pasteur piégée à Gaza pleure ses proches tués à l’église.
L’ancien pasteur de l’église baptiste de Gaza, coincé en Égypte depuis le début de la guerre, se démène pour évacuer sa femme et ses enfants, qui luttent pour survivre à l’église orthodoxe Saint-Porphyre.
Pastor’s Family Trapped in Gaza Grieves Relatives Killed at Church
Former pastor of Gaza Baptist Church—stuck in Egypt since start of the war—scrambles to evacuate wife and children as they struggle to survive at St. Porphyrius Orthodox Church.
The Bulletin Episode 50|41min
Hamas and the Laws of War
Why war has certain rules and how Hamas is breaking them.
Antisemitik Şiddet ve Utanç Verici Savunusu
Hristiyan savaşın hem Filistinli hem de İsrailli tarafı konusunda duyarlı olmalıdır. Bunun anlamı da Yahudi nefretini aktif bir şekilde reddetmektir.
A violência antissemita e sua defesa vergonhosa
Os cristãos devem cuidar das vítimas da guerra — tanto das israelenses quanto das palestinas — e isso significa rejeitar ativamente o ódio ao povo judeu.
La violence antisémite et ses honteuses justifications.
Nous devons nous soucier de toutes les victimes de la guerre, qu’elles soient israéliennes ou palestiniennes. Et cela implique de rejeter activement la haine du peuple juif.
Antisemitic Violence and Its Shameful Defense
Christians must care for both Israeli and Palestinian victims of war—and that means actively rejecting hatred of the Jewish people.
Cortando o Hamas pela raiz
Veja a visão de um cristão palestino sobre a tragédia em Israel — e como tratar as causas do problema.
평판 재고가 필요했던 미국 복음주의자들은 한국 복음주의자들에게 시선을 돌렸다.
20세기 후반, 두 그룹은 서로를 국내외에서 정통성을 확보하기 위한 수단으로 활용했다.
L’histoire méconnue de l’évolution des évangéliques à propos d’Israël
Les réponses des responsables évangéliques à la nouvelle guerre entre Israël et le Hamas se construisent depuis 50 ans.
Comment faire dépérir la plante vénéneuse qu’est le Hamas ?
Point de vue d’un chrétien palestinien sur la tragédie survenue en Israël et la manière de s’attaquer aux racines du problème.
Tarde o temprano, la planta venenosa de Hamás se secará
Un cristiano palestino habla sobre el ataque de Hamás en Israel y cómo abordar las raíces del problema.
The Obscenity of War in This Present Evil Age
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death,” and that enemy is insurgent in the Israel-Hamas war.
Wither the Poisonous Plant of Hamas
A Palestinian Christian’s view of this week’s tragedy in Israel—and how to address the roots of the problem.
The Little-Known History of Evangelicals’ Changing Israel Views
Responses by Christian leaders to today’s war in the Holy Land are 50 years in the making.

Top Story April 26, 2024

After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.

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