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Fall Book Forecast 1965

The religious reader has never had it so good.

“The religious reader has never had it so good.…”

For the lover of religious books, it is a great time to be alive. No period in history has seen so massive an intellectual assault upon so many facets of the Christian faith and the life of the Church. This expansive research into every area of Christian thought and action not only crosses those no-man’s-lands of non-communication that traditionally separated Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Judaism, and the non-Christian religions, but also reaches into the whole past of the Church’s history and tradition. The religious reader has never had it so good.

Anyone aware of the prodigious amount of written dialogue between Protestants and Roman Catholics, or between Christians and Jews—to mention nothing else—is both delighted and dismayed at how much he must read simply to keep abreast. But life waits for no man: writers keep writing, presses keep pressing, and the books keep tumbling out.

How can anyone keep up? It will take-more than speed-reading courses. Perhaps science will show the way. The Institute for the Scientific Restoration of Books, located in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, now injects and sprays vitamins into old books and manuscripts. This amazing process effectively restores old, limp, stained pages, making them readable. This of course increases the reader’s problem. But if books can take vitamins, perhaps a vitamin can be devised for readers who have that old, limp feeling. Who knows?

The forecast that follows is a select listing of books to be published by February. 1966. The selection is not infallible and doubtless includes some books that should receive a shot of vitamins before publication. Some ill fit categories, and some escape them altogether, as did Augsburg’s coming three-volume The Encyclopedia of the Lutheran Church, edited for the Lutheran World Federation by Julius H. Bodensieck.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE: Christopher will publish God Is a Spirit by C. W. Leslie, Christianity and Cosmopolitan Civilization by Van Ness H. Bates, and Haeckel’s Theory of the Unity of Nature by David H. DeGrood; Daughters of St. Paul, The Creed of a Catholic by W. G. Hurley, C. S. P.; Harper and Row, The Appearance of Man and The Making of a Mind by P. T. de Chardin, Paul Tillich’s Philosophy of Culture, Science and Religion by J. L. Adams, Italian Humanism by E. Garin, The Gift of Healing by A. and O. N. Worroll, and The Three Pillars of Zen by P. Kapleau; Hawthorn, Teilhard de Chardin: The Man and His Meaning by H. de Lubac and Spiritual Writers in Modern Times by L. Sheppard: Helicon, The Meaning of History by H. Marrou; Herder and Herder, Man and Cosmos: Scientific Phenomenology in Teilhard de Chardin by P. Chauchard; Flolt, Rinehart and Winston, Living Wisdom from the World’s Religions by G. Abernethy; Kregel, Christian Counseling and Occultism by K. Koch, translated from the German by A. Petter; McGraw-Hill, Summa Theologiae (Volumes 21, 50, 54) by St. Thomas Aquinas; Moody, The Bible, Science and Creation by S. M. Coder and G, Howe; Seabury, Shaw and Christianity by A. S. Abbot; Sheed and Ward, Christian Metaphysics by C. Tresmontant; and University of Notre Dame, Aquinas on Being and Essence: A Translation and Interpretation by J. Bobik.

ARCHAEOLOGY: Baker will present Light from the Ancient East by A. Deissman; Revell, The Untold Story of Qumran by J. C. Trever; and World, Persia by J. L. Huot and MinoanCrete by N. Platon.

ART AND ARCHITECTURE: Abingdon will print Style and Content in Christian Art by J. Dillenberger; Augsburg, Morality and the Muses: Christian Faith and Art Forms by J. B. Hygen; Funk and Wagnalls, A Reverence for Wood by E. Sloane; Hawthorn, Church Building by J. Rykwert and Modern Christian Art by W. Wilson; and World, The Structures of the Modern World: 1850–1900 by N. Ponente, Dimensions of the 20th Century: 1900–1945 by R. I. Delevoy, and The Golden Age of Spain by A. Cirici-Pellicer.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES AND DICTIONARIES: Baker will be coming out with Commentary on Zechariah by H. C. Leupold; Cambridge, Understanding the New Testament edited by O. J. Lace and The Gospel According to Mark with a commentary by C. F. D. Moule; Eerdmans, The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians by A. Cole and The Wesleyan Bible Commentary: Hebrews-Revelation by Carter, Thompson, Ball, and Blaney; Helicon, The Last Discourse of Jesus by C. M. Behler; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, A Dictionary of Biblical Allusions in English Literature by W. B. Fulghum, Jr.; Moody, Unger’s Bible Handbook by M. F. Unger; W. A. Wilde, Peloubet’s Select Notes for 1966 edited by W. M. Smith; and Zondervan, Handy Dictionary of the Bible by M. Tenney.

BIBLICAL STUDIES: Abingdon will produce Deutro-Isaiah by G. Knight; Baker, The Summarized Bible by K. L. Brooks; Harper and Row, Our Father by E. Lohmeyer, translated by J. Bowden; Herder and Herder, The Psalms, Their Structure and Meaning by P. Drijvers and The Inspired Word: Scripture in the Light of Language and Literature by L. Alons-Schökel; McGraw-Hill, The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays by G. von Rad; Revell, Blessings Out of Buffetings by A. Redpath and Is the Bible True? by A. Bowman; and Zondervan. The Resurrection of Jesus by J. Orr and The Cross Through the Scripture by F. J. Huegel.

CHURCH HISTORY: In this field Abingdon announces Handbook of Denominations in the United States (fourth edition) by F. S. Mead; Augsburg, Scandinavian Churches: A Picture of the Development and Life of the Churches of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden edited by L. St. Hunter; Baker. The Beginnings of Christianity: The Acts of the Apostles, VolumeIV, by F. Jackson and K. Lake; Columbia University, John Hus at the Council of Constance translated by M. Spinka and Religion in Japanese History by J. M. Kitagawa; Concordia, Henry VIII and the Lutherans by N. Tjernagel and Martin Luther, Creative Translator of the Bible by H. Bluhm; Daughters of St. Paul, The Great Blackrobe: Biography of Peter de Smet by J. M. Petrone; Eerdmans, The Morning Star (Wycliffe to Luther) by G. H. W. Parker (Volume III in “The Advance of Christianity Through the Centuries” series edited by F. F. Bruce) and The Church and Learning by Q. Breen; Exposition, Church and Clergy in the American Revolution by L. D. Joyce and The Rise of Religious Education Among Negro Baptists by J. D. Tyms; Fortress, Thomas Canmer by G. E. Duffield, Olavus Petri by C. Bergendoff, and Documents of Lutheran Unity in America by R. C. Wolf; Harper and Row, The Christian Intellectual by J. Pelikan and Finding the Historical Jesus by J. F. Peter; Harvard, Abelard by C. H. Whitman; Herder and Herder, Handbook of Church History, Volume I: From the Apostolic Community to Constantine by H. Jedin and J. Dolan; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Mani and Manichaeism by G. Widengren; Lippincott, The Early Church by W. H. C. Frend; Nelson, Studies in Church History, Volume I edited by C. W. Dugmore; Princeton, Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter in American Morality, 1780–1845 by D. Mathews and Worship and Theology in England: The Ecumenical Century, 1900–1965 by H. Davies; Scribners, South African Tragedy: The Life and Times of Jan Hofmeyr by A. Paton and Religion in America by W. S. Hudson; Sheed and Ward, The Unreformed Church by R. McNally, S. J.; and United Church Press, Pilgrims and Pioneers in the Congregational Tradition by J. L. Lobinger.

DEVOTIONAL: Abingdon will issue Meditations for Adults by W. Fridy, The Twenty-Third Psalm by R. R. Meredith, and Meditations on Ephesians by L. T. Wolcott; Concordia, The Prophets for Today by T. Coates, The Christian View of Life by T. Hoyer, and Family Worship Idea Book by E. May; Doubleday, The Power of the Resurrection by M. Bach; Eerdmans, Keeping the Spirit of Christmas by H. H. Brown, The Plight of Man and the Power of God and Faith on Trial by D. M. Lloyd-Jones, Personal Religious Disciplines by J. E. Gardner, Convictions to Live By by L. Nelson Bell, and A Touch of Greatness by H. Kohn; Fortress, Today by R. K. Youngdahl; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Are You Running with Me, Jesus? by M. Boyd; Loizeaux Brothers, The Name Above Every Name by C. J. Rolls and Living Patiently: A Devotional Study of the Book of Job by J. A. Blair; Revell, Putting Life Together Again by R. V. Ozment, If I Could Pray Again by D. A. Redding, The Quiet Corner by S. E. Wirt, and The Ten Commandments by C. L. Allen; Seabury, The Temple: A Book of Prayers by W. E. Orchard edited by M. Halverson; and Zondervan, Extraordinary Living for Ordinary Men by S. Shoemaker, Power for Today (daily devotionals) by N. E. Nygaard, Between Sundays by R. Halverson, and Not Somehow but Triumphantly by V. R. Edman.

DRAMA, FICTION, POETRY: Augsburg will offer Damsel fromAfar: The Story of Ruth by B. Larsen; Channel, Days of Grass: Stories from the ‘Christian Herald’ selected by R. Hartman; Concordia, Time of Tesling by J. R. Littlejohn; Devin-Adair, The Virgin of Tepayan: Mexico at the Time of the Conquistadores by P. P. Forrestal; Lippincott, The Beloved Invader by E. Price; and Zondervan, Dark Side of Nowhere by D. Kauffman and Light from the Hill by S. L. Bell.

ECUMENICS: Doubleday will publish The Case for the Chosen People by W. G. Plaut; Helicon, To Promote Good Will by Rabbi A. Shusterman, edited by M. Weller and L. Richmond; Philosophical Library, The Jew and the Cross by D. D. Runes; and United Church Press, Vatican Diary 1964: A Protestant Observes the Third Session of Vatican Council II by D. Horton.

ETHICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Bethany Press will be publishing The Church—For Everyone by H. J. Brown; Columbia University, A Social and Religious History of the Jews, Volume IX: Under Church and Empire and Volume X: On the Empire’s Periphery by S. W. Baron and Modern Varieties of Judaism by J. L. Blau; Doubleday, World Aflame by B. Graham; Fortress, Secular Salvations by E. Koenker; Harper and Row, Ministers’ Wives by W. Douglas; Harvard, Religion in the Schools by P. A. Freund and R. Ulrich; Hawthorn, The Church and the Workingman by J. Cronin and H. Flannery and Primitive and Prehistoric Religions by F. M. Bergounioux and J. Goetz; Helicon, Perspectives in Evolution by R. T. Francoeur, Change and the Catholic Church by J. Newman, Catholics, Marriage, and Contraception by J. Marshall, and Birth Control and Natural Law by F. H. Drinkwater; Herald, Hutterite Life by J. A. Hostetler; Herder and Herder, Peter and Caesar: Political Authority and the Catholic Church by E. A. Goerner; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Social Crisis and Christian Conscience: Questions for a Great Society by W. Stringfellow; Moody, What the Cults Believe by I. G. Robertson; Oxford, White Protestantism and the Negro by D. M. Reimers; Princeton, Religion and Politics in Burma by D. Smith; Revell, God and Jack Wilson by F. B. Speakman; Scribners, Man’s Nature and His Communities by R. Niebuhr and Racism and the Christian Understanding of Man by G. D. Kelsey; Seabury, Conflicting Images of Man by W. Nichols; Sheed and Ward, Sin, Liberty and Law by L. Monden, S. J.; and Westminster, The Challenge to the Church: The Niemöller-Blake Conversations by M. Niemöller and E. C. Blake.

LITURGY: Hawthorn promises This Is the Mass (new and revised edition) by the late Henri Daniel-Rops; Oxford, Worship: Its Theology and Practice by J. J. von Allmen and The Language of the Book of Common Prayer by S. Brook; and Westminster, The Interpretation of Prayer in the Early Church by R. L. Simpson.

MISSIONS (EVANGELISM): Abingdon will offer Cross and Crucifix in Mission by N. A. Horner and In This Land of Eve by J. B. Dibble; Augsburg, All the Bandits of China: Adventures of a Missionary in a Land Ravaged by Bandits and War Lords by B. Jurgensen; Bethany Press, The Christian World Mission by A. D. Fiers; Christopher, Ambassador to the Saints by C. S. Rice; Eerdmans, History of Modem Evangelism by P. Scharpff; Harper and Row, Sensei by R. T. Hitt, The Hour of the Tiger by I. Pahk, and Out of the Jaws of the Lion by H. E. Dowdy; Herald, The Witness by U. A. Bender; Herder and Herder, The Church as Mission by E. Hillman; McGraw-Hill, He Is in Heaven by A. Tucker; Moody, J. Hudson Taylor by Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor and A Voice for Missions by T. Watson, Jr.; and Zondervan, Go!: Revolutionary New Testament Evangelism by G. Kingsley and G. Delamarter, People Matter More Than Things by G. Burton, and Congo Crisis by J. Bayly.

NEW TESTAMENT: Abingdon will put out The New Testament, Its Background, Growth, and Content by B. M. Metzger; Doubleday, Invitation to the New Testament by W. D. Davies and Simon Peter by L. Elton; Harper and Row, The Study of the Synoptic Gospels by A. C. Bea and The Formation of the New Testament by R. Grant; Herder and Herder, The Church in the New Testament by R. Schnackenburg; Lippincott, God in the New Testament by A. W. Argyle; McGraw-Hill, Paul: A Man Who Changed the World by H. Buckmaster; Scribners, The Foundations of New Testament Christology by R. Fuller; Westminster, The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition by H. E. Tödt; and World, The Original King James Bible in Exact Facsimile.

OLD TESTAMENT: From Fortress will come God and Temple by R. E. Clements; Harper and Row, Old Testament Theology: Volume II by G. Von Rad; John Knox, Worship in Israel by J. Kraus; Westminster, Daniel: A Commentary by N. W. Porteous and Leviticus: A Commentary by M. Noth.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY (PREACHING, PSYCHOLOGY): Abingdon will be publishing The Art of Pastoral Conversation by H. Faber and E. Van Der Schoot; Augsburg, As One Who Speaks for God: The Why and How of Preaching by S. D. Schneider; Baker, A Manual for Bible Preaching by L. M. Perry and Effective Evangelistic Preaching by W. L. Stanfield; Christopher, Called of God by G. L. Guffin; Daughters of St. Paul, The States of Perfection by the Benedictine Monks of So-lesmes; Harper and Row, The Adventure of Living by P. Tournier, The Trouble With the Church by H. Thielicke, Minister’s Shop-Talk by J. Kennedy, and Sacred and Secular by M. Ramsey; Judson, Tensions in Modern Faith by R. G. Middleton; John Knox, Secrets by P. Tournier; Nelson, Psychological Studies of Clergymen: Abstracts of Research by R. J. Menges and J. E. Dittes; and Zondervan, Man in Conflict by P. F. Barkman and Encyclopedia of Psychological Problems by C. M. Narramore.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Abingdon will be presenting The Act of Becoming by R. W. Hites; Herald, Learning to Understand People by L. Peachey; Nelson, Singer of Six Thousand Songs: A Life of Charles Wesley by E. P. Myers and In the Beginning: Paintings of Creation selected by the World Council of Christian Education; Revell, The Wonder Book of Bible Stories by D. Kyles; and United Church Press, Worship in Christian Education by P. H. Vieth.

SERMONS: Titles from Baker will be Dwight L. Moody’s Latest Sermons by D. L. Moody and Listening to God on Calvary by G. Gritter; Harper and Row, The Word God Sent by P. Scherer and The Ministers Manual by M. K. W. Heicher; Herder and Herder, To Hear the Word of God by G. S. Sloyan; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, From the Housetops: A Pastor Speaks to Adults by E. Stevens; Kregel, The Guilt of Sin and So Great Salvation by C. G. Finney; Lippincott, The True Wilderness by H. A. Williams; and Zondervan, Expository Sermons on Revelation, Volume IV by W. A. Criswell.

THEOLOGY: Abingdon will publish The Feminine Crisis in Christian Faith by E. Achteneier, Theological Transition in American Methodism, 1790–1935 by R. E. Chiles. Christian Faith and History by T. W. Ogletree, The Holy Spirit at Work in the Church by L. Starkey, Jr., and Christ and Methodism by J. J. Vincent; Augsburg, The Continuing Search for the Historical Jesus by J. Jervell; Baker, The Virgin Birth of Christ by J. G. Machen and The Grace of Law: A Study of Puritan Theology by E. F. Kevan; Bethany Fellowship, I Believe in the Holy Ghost by M. James; Cambridge, The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology by E. Best; Concordia, Luther’s Works, Volume VIII: Lectures on Genesis, Chapters 45–50 translated by P. D. Pahl; Doubleday, The Christian Debate: Light from the East by G. Parrinder (shows Christians can learn from the great Oriental faiths); Eerdmans, Christian Faith and Practice by L. Hodgson and Living Themes in the Thought of John Calvin by L. De-Koster; Fortress, A History of Christian Thought, Volume II by O. W. Heick and Jesus and the Son of Man by A. J. B. Higgins; Harper and Row, The Theology of Rudolf Bullmann by C. W. Kegley; Helicon, Theological Investigations, Volume V: The Possibility of Belief Today by K. Rahner, S. J., and The Mystery of the Redemption by L. Richard; Herder and Herder, Theology in Transition: A Bibliographical Evaluation, 1954–1964 edited by E. O’Brien, S. J.; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Christian Sacraments and Christian Personality by Bernard J. Cooke, S.J.; John Knox, Theology of the Pain of God by K. Kitamori; Nelson, The Apostolic Fathers, Volume III: The Didache and Barnabas by R. A. Kraft; Oxford, Horace Bushnell edited by H. S. Smith and Reformed Dogmatics edited and translated by J. W. Beardslee III; Philosophical Library, Children of the Devil by W. T. Bruner and Isms and Ologies by A. Kellett; Seabury, God and World in Early Christian Theology by R. A. Norris, Jr., New Directions in Anglican Theology: A Survey from Temple to Robinson by R. J. Page, 20th Century Defenders of the Faith by A. R. Vidler, and The Magnificent Defeat by F. Buechner; Sheed and Ward, The Natural Law: A Theological Investigation by J. Fuchs, S. J., and Saints: Their Place in the Church by P. Molinari, S.J.; University of Notre Dame, Man and Sin: A Theological View by P. Schoonenberg; and World, The Scope of Theology edited by D. Jenkins.

PAPERBACKS: Among Abingdon’s titles will be The Interpretation of Religion by J. Baillie and Revivalism in America by W. W. Sweet; Augsburg, Multiple Ministries: Staffing the Local Church by M. Anderson and They Welcomed the Child: Sermons for Advent and Christimas by J. Schmidt; Baker, The Voice from the Cross by A. W. Blackwood and The Epistles of John and Jude by R. Ward; Bethany Fellowship, The Cross of Christ by F. J. Huegel; Cambridge, Understanding the New Testament edited by O. J. Lace and The Gospel According to Mark by C. F. D. Moule; Minister’s Federal Income Tax Guide: 1966 Edition by S. Prerau; Concordia. The Strategy of Evangelism by C. S. Mueller, Law and Theology by A. J. Bueh-ner, and The Lord’s Prayer and the Lord’s Passion by P. G. Lessmann; Doubleday, Protestant Concepts of Church and State by T. G. Sanders, Varieties of Unbelief by M. Marty, and My People Is the Enemy by W. Stringfield; Eerdmans, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by W. Law, Minister’s Handbook of Contemporary Theolgy by B. Ramm. The Cruciality of the Cross by P. T. Forsyth, and The Theology of Missions in the Puritan Tradition by S. H. Rooy; Exposition. The Challenge of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin by C. Aller; Fortress, The Living Word by G. Wingren, The Bible and Social Ethics by H. Kraemer, Christ and the New Humanity by C. H. Dodd. Legal Responsibility and Moral Responsibility by W. Moberly, and What Christians Stand for in the Secular World by W. Temple; Harcourt, Brace and World, Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry by O. Barfield; Harper and Row, The Divine Milieu by P. T. de Chardin, Western Mysticism by C. Butler, The Way of Israel: Biblical Faith and Ethics by J. Muilen-burgh, The Puritan Family by E. S. Morgan, Revivalism and Social Reform by T. L. Smith, The Burned-Out District by W. R. Cross, The German Reformation and Ulrich von Hutten by H. Holborn. A Reformation Debate by J. Calvin and J. Sadoleto. On First Principles by Origen, The Scope of Demythologizing by J. Macquarrie, and The Knowledge of Man by Martin Buber; Judson, God’s Revolution and Man’s Responsibility by H. Cox; Lippincott, The Comfortable Pew by P. Berton; Loizeaux Brothers, Cremation—Is It Christian? by J. W. Fraser and Hitchhiking on Purpose by G. Watmough (who hitchhiked for thirty-three years expressly to witness of the Lord Jesus to those who picked him up); McGraw-Hill, Way to Christ by J. Boehme and Daniel: Dialogues on Realization by M. Buber; Moody, Total Christianity by F Colquhoun, A History of Church Music by D. P. Appleby, and New Frontiers in Modern Theology by C. F. H. Henry; Nelson. Youth Considers Parents as People by R. C. Miller; Oxford, The Spirit of Protestantism by R. A. Brown; Princeton, The Archaeology of World Religions by J. Finegan, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism by J. Finegan, Shinto. Islam. Sikhism by J. Finegan, and Men and Nations by L. Halle; Seabury, A New Introduction to Moral Theology by H. Waddams, A First Reader in Biblical Theology by R. C. Dentan, Thirty Psalmists by F. James, and Fear, Love and Worship by C. F. Allison; Westminster, What Is the World Coming To? by N. B. Baker and Life and Thought in the Ancient World by C. C. Eastwood; World, Prophetic Voices of the Bible by H. Staack, The Student’s Bible Crossword Puzzle Book by E. Balcomb, and Student’s Bible Atlas by H. H. Rowley; and Zondervan. The Rebellious Planet by L. Woodrum, A Bit of Honey by W. E. Thorn, But God! by V. R. Edman, Hellbent for Election by P. Speshock, Life and Love by C. Narramore, Young Only Once by C. Narramore, and Woman toWoman by E. Price.

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