Heaven Revealed
What Is It Like? What Will We Do? And 11 Other Things You’ve Wondered About Paul Enns (Moody)Brokenhearted after suddenly losing his beloved wife of many years, pastor Paul Enns began an extensive study of the Scriptures that describe the life of heaven. In this book, Enns shares the comfort he found in studying the truth about heaven. Heaven Revealed is strongest when Enns describes the glories of God’s presence and the embodied nature of our life on the new earth. It is less effective when Enns delves into the specifics of a dispensational theology that sometimes leans toward escapism.
Rediscovering the Church Fathers
Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church Michael A. G. Haykin (Crossway)Michael Haykin celebrates evangelicalism’s renewed appreciation for the church fathers and encourages us to drink deeply from the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Haykin’s treatment of the fathers is a good mix of biographical information and theological reflection. He quotes extensively from some of the most important church fathers, disagreeing charitably at times but always with an eye toward understanding them within their context. Rediscovering the Church Fathers succeeds in increasing evangelical awareness of our need to appreciate the pearls of the ancient church.—Books reviewed by Trevin Wax
Awakening to Gospel-Centered Adoption and Orphan Care Tony Merida and Rick Morton (New Hope Publishers)Christians do not approach orphan care as mere humanitarians but as people adopted by God through the work of Jesus Christ. Orphanology provides the burgeoning orphan care movement with a gospel-centered theological foundation as well as a comprehensive plan for getting involved at many levels, including adoption, orphanage restoration, foster care, and transitional assistance. Between adoption stories, Tony Merida and Rick Morton offer a compelling picture of how the gospel motivates us to action on behalf of the fatherless.
Our Triune God
Living in the Love of the Three-in-One Philip Ryken and Michael LeFebvre (Crossway)Our Triune God is a pastoral treatise on the importance of the Trinity for the Christian’s life and faith. The book lays out the biblical support for a Trinitarian view of God, and then delves into practical ramifications. The result is a sustained reflection on the joy of fellowshiping with God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Perspectives on Tithing
4 Views Edited by David A. Croteau (B&H Academic)Leery of appearing self-serving, many pastors hesitate to preach on giving. However, the fact that the issues surrounding tithes and offerings are controversial is a sign that we need more teaching on this subject, not less. This book provides four evangelical perspectives on the relevance of the tithe for New Covenant Christians. The contributors appeal to Scripture, showing how tithing is described and prescribed. Christians may be divided on whether tithing is mandated today, but the authors are united by a strong desire to honor the Lord in matters of stewardship.—Books reviewed by Trevin Wax
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