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Challenging Individualism
N.C. proposal raises age-old questions of Baptist identity.
Faithfully and Politically Present
How and why Michael Gerson believes Christians should not abandon the public square.
Q & A: Anne Rice on Following Christ Without Christianity
The tipping points behind the novelist's departure from the institutional church, and why she still reads D.A. Carson, Craig Keener, and N.T. Wright instead of 'Twilight.'
The Lost Art of Commitment
Why we're afraid of it, and why we shouldn't be.
A Family Affair
What would the church look like if it put we before me?
Redeeming 'Lost'
Entertainment Weekly's Jeff Jensen tells CT why the television show reminds him of C. S. Lewis's 'The Great Divorce.'
Faithful Presence Is Not Quietism
James Davison Hunter responds to Chuck Colson and Andy Crouch.
More than Faithful Presence
Charles Colson responds to James Davison Hunter's 'To Change the World'.
Hunter and I Agree on Culture Making (He Just Seems Not to Know It)
Andy Crouch responds to James Davison Hunter's 'To Change the World'.
The Whisper of Grace
The whirlwind of the self is not easily tamed, even by religion.
The Vertical Self
How biblical faith can help us discover who we are in an age of self obsession.
The Mind Under Grace
Why a heady dose of doctrine is crucial to spiritual formation.
Still the Way, the Truth, and the Life
More people than ever doubt that anyone has a corner on truth. So why do Christians keep insisting on the incomparable uniqueness of Christ?
Christ at the Center
Michael Horton says we need to once again let our lives and churches be driven by the gospel.
Christ-Centered Cautions
How do we be good, be disciplined, and be like Jesus?
In the Beginning, Grace
Evangelicals desperately need spiritual and moral renewal—on that everyone agrees. But what do we do about it?
The Heresy of 'Individualism'?
The 'individualism' we profess is not only not a heresy—it is at the heart of the gospel.
Jesus Is Not a Brand
Why it is dangerous to make evangelism another form of marketing.
Prayer at the Pump
The upside of $4-a-gallon gas.
Am I Growing Yet?
What a disappointed "fully devoted follower of Jesus" should be looking for.

Top Story April 26, 2024

After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
After Schism, United Methodists Vote to Restructure Denomination
The plan would organize UMC churches in four global regions, with each given more leeway around same-sex marriage and other theological issues.

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