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Urgent Care: Substance Abuse
Equip your leaders to reach out to men and women suffering from addictions.
Urgent Care: Marriage in Crisis
Succinct and practical resources to help a leader minister through marital crisis.
Urgent Care: Spiritual Warfare
Identify and respond to spiritual attacks.
Urgent Care: Responding to Trauma
Minister sensitively and with great hope to those who are suffering through trauma.
The Refugees Are Here
How a German pastor is teaching his people to welcome those displaced from Syria.
Is My Church an Endangered Species?
Responding to the cultural and economic threats many congregations will face.
Unprecedented, All Over Again.
3 of today's crises the church has faced before.
Ministry in the Wake of the UCC Shooting
As our community reels from a brutal tragedy, we’re learning to lean on Jesus and each other.
‘I Have No Right to Be Here’
… just might be a sign that you’re called to ministry.
Pray for Paris: What I Will and Will Not Say this Sunday
As the world mourns for Paris this weekend, church-goers will look to their pastors to set a tone. This is what I plan to do in church tomorrow.
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