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Meet the Press
5 starting points for handling your church's media relations.
Garrett Swasey's 'Ministry of Protection'
The cop-and-pastor slain in Colorado Springs protected people in the streets and in the church.
The Wise Child-King
4 practices for leading with healthy childlikeness.
Pastors in Recovery
Admitting an addiction has its risks ... and real ministry benefits.
Reassembling My Faith
What would make the difference between doubt strengthening my belief or crushing it?
Ten Commandments of Conflict and Crisis
Keeping the inevitable from doing the irreparable.
Preaching in the Midst of Tragedy
In four years of pastoral ministry, I’ve had to preach through four national tragedies.
A Pastoral Lament
In the wake of last week’s killings, do we rationalize or weep?
Pastoring NewSpring Church after Perry Noble
Clayton King never expected to be a senior pastor. Now he leads one of the largest churches in America.
Clayton King: Discouraged Pastors
How would you encourage struggling pastors?
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