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Related Elsewhere
See last year’s Reflections on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, as well as similar Holy Week Reflections columns from 1999, 1998, and 1997.Other Christianity Today articles on Holy Week include:
Amassed Media: Talk About the Passion | The best online resources about the history, significance, and experience of Holy Week. (Apr. 19, 2000)
‘Hell Took a Body, and Discovered God’ | One of the oldest and best Easter sermons, now 1,600 years old, is still preached today. (Apr. 17, 2000)
The Benefit of the Doubt | The disciple Thomas reveals an important truth about faith. (Apr. 7, 2000)
How Green Is Easter? | Celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is more than being glad about the return of spring (Apr. 5, 1999)
Did God Die on the Cross? | As Jesus’ life was a divine person’s totally human life, so his dying was a divine person’s totally human death. (Apr. 5, 1999)
Grave Matters | Take away the Resurrection and the center of Christianity collapses (Apr. 6, 1998)
Jesus v. Sanhedrin | Why Jesus “lost” his trial. (Apr. 6, 1998)
Where Have They Laid My Lord? | A pilgrim’s tale of two tombs. (Mar. 3, 1997)
The Great Reversal (March 17, 1989)
Maundy Thursday | By Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Good Friday | By Virginia Stem Owens
Holy Saturday | By Eugene H. Peterson
Easter Sunday | By Philip Yancey
The Scars of Easter | He knows the wounds of humanity. His hands prove it. By Paul Brand with Philip Yancey (Apr. 5, 1985)
Past Reflections columns include:
- Overcoming Addiction (Mar. 12, 2001)
- African-American Voices (Feb. 1, 2001)
- Forgiveness (Jan. 25, 2001)
- Incarnation (Dec. 4, 2000)
- Listening (Nov. 30, 2000)
- Death and Eternity (Oct. 24, 2000)
- Quotations of Time and Eternity (Oct. 11, 2000)
- Quotations to Contemplate (Sept. 21, 2000)
- Christian virtues (Aug. 22, 2000)
- Beauty, Prayer and Loving God (Aug. 1, 2000)
- Prayer, Silence and Other Topics (June 31, 2000)
- Getting, Giving, and Generosity (June 13,2000).
- Easter Sunday (Apr. 3, 2000)
- Good Friday (Apr. 3, 2000)